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"TO BE SOLD One negro girl about 18 months old, belonging to the estate of William Chambers, dec'd. Sold for the purpose of distribution!! JETHRO DEAN, SAMUEL BEALL, Ex'ors." From the "Natchez Courier," April 2, 1838.

Kit Carson at his Home The Apache Indians become hostile An Expedition sent against them It is not successful Another is organized, with which, Kit Carson goes as Guide Two Indian Chiefs captured Other Incidents of the Trip Colonel Beall attempts to force the Indians to give up Mexican Captives Two thousand Savages on the Arkansas River The Visit to them Kit Carson emigrates and builds a Ranche at Rayado Description of the Valley The Massacre of a Santa Merchant His Wife is made Prisoner The Expedition sent to rescue her The Indians overtaken Bad Counsel and Management The commanding Officer wounded Mrs.

Beall reorganized the command, took charge of it himself, and employed Kit Carson as his guide.

The small circle of Americans soon became intimately acquainted, for the lack of other society and interests naturally drew them close together. Besides George Brown, Clarence Beall, and Doctor Chamberlain, the company doctor, there was only a queer old character known as "Chips," a stranded sea carpenter who was employed to build lighters on the beach. Mrs.

The army detachment, under General John A. Quitman, consisted of the Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina infantry, and a squadron of the Second Dragoons under command of Major Benjamin Lloyd Beall, and a section of the Third Artillery under Lieutenant Henry Bethel Judd. The object of this expedition was to conciliate the inhabitants, and for the purchase of horses, mules, and cattle.

From MRS. FLORA BEALL GINTY, of Wisconsin, Seventh Vice-President Board of Lady Managers. Five eggs, two cupfuls of sugar, two of flour, one-half cupful of milk, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar, one of soda; bake in square tins, spread with jelly and roll while warm. Lemon jelly is very nice. This recipe makes four rolls.

Carey, 'the prisoners at Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Ill., and at Camp Chase, in Ohio, must be released. Mr. Thomlinson has the money to pay all expenses. Cannot you men in the Northern States assist in this? Can you not get up organizations such as Blackman and Beall have done?

These men, under the command of Lieutenant Beall, who shared all the privations of his soldiers, marched on foot through a mixture of mud and snow, nearly ankle deep, over an uneven country, from the Mosco Pass in the Valley of San Luis, to the head-waters of the Arkansas River, a distance which is computed at eighty-five miles, in thirty-six hours, including all their stoppages.

To go to Sandusky they would be arrested; the only course they could take to save their own lives and liberty, was that which they eventually adopted. Capt. Beall, after hearing this report, quickly determined to seize the vessel, which was accordingly done, to the great terror of the passengers and crew.

And he led her off on his arm. "The old year and the new, gentlemen!" he cried merrily, as he passed the door, with Dolly's mammy and Nester simpering with pride on the landing. The company arrived in coach and saddle, many having come so far that they were to stay the night. Young Mr. Beall carried his bride on a pillion behind him, her red riding-cloak flung over her ball dress. Mr.