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From this purpose she was, however, constantly dissuaded by Barbin. "Madame," he said on one occasion when the Queen-mother appeared more than ever resolved to follow out her determination, "if you once abandon the administration of government you will cut the throats of your children. Should you cease to rule they will be utterly lost."

"We are anxious to secure your parliamentary influence in C to the proper quarter, namely, to your own family, as the best defenders of the administration, which you honour by your support. We wish signally, at the same time, to express our confidence in your principles, and our gratitude for your countenance." "D -d sour countenance!" muttered Lord Saxingham.

Father and son were both of one mind. There was little or nothing in common between the political sentiments of the three members of the existing Executive Council and the man whom it was proposed to add to their number. How, then, could it be expected that they would agree as to the policy of the Administration. If they did not agree, what would Mr.

It was for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the existing conditions that the Cabinet system was changed into a Presidential system an excellent substitution for a weakened administration. Conditions in the next two or three years will not be very much different from what they are now.

Parliamentary government may have that effect, among others, for anything we care: we maintain merely that it is a defect." In answer, I think it may be shown not, indeed, that this precise change is necessary to a permanently perfect administration, but that some analogous change, some change of the same species, is so.

The first act of violence on the part of administration in America, or the attempt to reinforce General Gage this winter or next year, will put the whole continent in arms, from Nova Scotia to Georgia."

The Governor can do no wrong he must have a responsible cabinet taken from the members of the Legislature his administration must have a working majority, as in England and he must bow to public opinion by changing his advisers, when the representatives of the people lose confidence in the Government.

Lord Aberdeen on the following day went down to Windsor and laid his resignation before the Queen, and in this sorry fashion the Coalition Government ignominiously collapsed, with hardly an expression of regret and scarcely a claim to remembrance. The Queen's choice fell upon Lord Derby, but his efforts to form an Administration proved unavailing.

If the administration had in both Houses a majority not a mechanical majority ready to accept anything, but a fair and reasonable one, predisposed to think the Government right, but not ready to find it to be so in the face of facts and in opposition to whatever might occur; if a good Government were thus placed, I should think it decidedly better that the agreements of the administration with foreign powers should be submitted to Parliament.

Squire Tisdale was impressed with the idea that she had more feeling than he had thought. "I didn't think of that," he said, sympathetically. "No doubt you are right." Mrs. Preston lost no time in applying for letters of administration. "As soon as I get them," she said to herself, "I will lose no time in ejecting that Irishwoman from the house my husband bought for her.