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Without great men and without clear convictions this age is nevertheless very active intellectually; it is studious, empirical, inventive, sympathetic. Its wisdom consists in a certain contrite openness of mind; it flounders, but at least in floundering it has gained a sense of possible depths in all directions.

She not only decides, she thinks; she is the active principle; 'tis mine to submit. A certain presumption was in that girl always. Ha! do you hear me? Her letter may sting, it shall not dupe. Strangers? Poor fool! You see plainly she was nailed down to write the thing. This letter is a flat lie. She can lie Oh! born to the art! born to it! lies like a Saint tricking Satan!

For scientific study, and the establishment of fundamental conceptions and guiding principles are only possible if mind and thought are free and active and creative.

Nor, though his active and direct influence has of course been exhausted by time, can his reputation on the Continent be said to have ever waned. These various facts, besides being certain in themselves, are also very valuable as guiding the inquirer in regions which are more of opinion.

This convention met November 6 and from that time until the election in November, 1910, an active campaign was conducted. The amendment was defeated, receiving 35,290 ayes, 57,709 noes, but the workers felt that gains had been made and were more determined than ever not to cease their efforts. After the election of 1910 Mrs. Johnson called a State convention at Huron and Mrs.

Perhaps during those few minutes, when his brain was cool and active, with the great city awakening all around him, Laverick realized more completely than ever before exactly how he stood. Without doubt he was walking on the brink of a precipice. Four days ago there had been nothing for him but ruin.

I had no further active relations of an official kind with Mr. Motley, except in the case of a naturalized American citizen, whose property was slowly but surely wasting away in the keeping of the Venetian courts.

Psychologically, it implies that during this period we are mainly concerned with the formation of perceptual systems of knowledge composed of data derived through the special senses and through the active movements of the hands and limbs.

There is no chance, whatever, of active service in India; and I should be glad, indeed, to be at the front again, in different circumstances." "Very well, Mr. Bullen, then you will sail on Tuesday next, in the steamer that leaves Liverpool on that day. You will have the local rank of captain, and will be in command of a company of Hausas." Lisle had but a few preparations to make.

In almost all cases of joint interest, the female bird is the most active. She determines the site of the nest, and is usually the most absorbed in its construction. Generally, she is more vigilant in caring for the young, and manifests the most concern when danger threatens.