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Well, in the Thompson Huddersfield mills there is no piecework, no overtime, only the weekly wage; no driving is allowed. The hours of labor are limited to forty- eight per week. The workers are given a whole week's holiday in August, and in addition they enjoy the benefits of a non-contributory sick and accident fund, and of a 24s. per week pension fund.

The wages were 18s. a week 3s. a day and he had heard that as soon as the men grew to understand their work and to be a little skilful, they could get 24s. easily, up by London. The only drawback was the long walk to the work. Lodgings close at hand were very dear, as also was food, so dear as to lower the actual receipts to an equality, if not below that of the agricultural labourer.

The work hours are forty-eight each week, and the wages depend both on age and length of service, no man of twenty-three years of age and over twelve months' service receiving less than 24s. weekly. There are no deductions for sick club or fines, the sick fund, as before stated, being a free gift from the company.

In the dishonourable trade, the work is taken home by the men, to be done at the very lowest possible prices, which decrease year by year, almost month by month. At the honourable shops, from 36s. to 24s. is paid for a piece of work for which the dishonourable shop pays from 22s. to 9s. But not to the workmen; happy is he if he really gets two-thirds, or half of that.

The third is a fine piece of literature as well as being the only account in any language of one of the most characteristic figures in modern Russian life the peasant-pilgrim. SIR D.M. WALLACE. Russia. 2 vols. 1905. 24s. net. Russia and the Balkan States. Reprinted from the Encyclopedia Britannica. 2s. 6d. net.

=================================================================== Necessary Unneces'y Governor's salary, L300 L300 Lieutenant-Governor's, 100 100 Upper House attendance and travel 60 days at L10 per day, 600 600 Lower House attendance and travel 170 members at 6s. a day, 60 days, 3,060 1,530 L1,530 Five Judges of the Superior Court at 24s. a day, suppose 150 days, 900 900 Forty Judges of Inferior Court at 9s. a day, suppose 40 days, 720 720 Six thousand actions in the year, the legal expenses of each, suppose L3, 18,000 1,000 17,000 Gratuities to 120 lawyers, suppose L50 each, 6,000 1,000 5,000 Two hundred clergymen at L100 each, 20,000 20,000 Five hundred schools at L20 a year, 10,000 10,000 Support of poor, 10,000 10,000 Bridges and other town expenses, 10,000 10,000 Contingencies and articles not enumerated, 10,000 10,000 Total, L89,680 L66,150 L23,530

Our first work to read over the Institution, which is a decree in Chancery in the year 1617, upon an inquisition made at Rochester about that time into the revenues of the Chest, which had then, from the year 1588 or 1590, by the advice of the Lord High Admiral and principal officers then being, by consent of the seamen, been settled, paying sixpence per month, according to their wages then, which was then but 10s. which is now 24s.

Also in May, 1777, the State of Massachusetts knew nothing of a national ensign of the Ross description, as seen by the following bill paid by the Board of War of that State to Joseph Webb: "To mending an ensign and sewing in pine tree, 6s." Also: "May , State of Mass., Pay to Jos. Webb, Dr. , 1777. To making a suit of colors, 44s.; thread, 12s.; painting Pine trees, etc., 24s. £4.0.0.

The price for cutting and binding wheat is from 10s. to 14s., or from $2 40c. to $3 36c. per acre, and 8s., or $1 92c. per acre for oats and barley. The men who cut, bind, and shock by the acre generally have to find their own beer, and will earn from 24s. to 28s., or from $5 76c. to $6 72c. per week.

He is constantly stopping in the middle of his conversation to "curl a loose leaf round his Manilla;" when one would have expected a hero like Strathmore to fling away a cigar when its leaves began to untwist, and light another. If Strathmore's Manillas were Capitan Generals they would cost him about 24s. a hundred. The probability, however, is that they were of inferior quality; say, 17s. 6d.