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When at the summit of its power, in 1669, the company possessed forty warships and one hundred and fifty merchantmen, maintained an army of ten thousand men, and paid a forty per cent dividend.

The governor then said to Monsieur Grammont, I'll tell you a secret that the reason of my capitulation was, because I was in want of powder. Monsieur replied, 'And secret for secret the reason of my granting you such an easy capitulation was, because I was in want of ball." Biog. Gallica, vol. i., p. 202. Count Grammont and his lady left England in 1669.

In 1660, while the Diary was still in its youth, he tells about it, as a matter of course, to a lieutenant in the navy; but in 1669, when it was already near an end, he could have bitten his tongue out, as the saying is, because he had let slip his secret to one so grave and friendly as Sir William Coventry.

In 1669 Ormond was recalled, and after a short time Lord Berkeley was sent over as Lord Lieutenant.

In the spring of 1669 he returned to Spain as Envoy Extraordinary, and in 1671 he became Ambassador. at his lodgings, who is lately come from Spain from my Lord Sandwich, and did, the other day, meeting me in White Hall, compliment me mightily, and so I did offer him this visit, but missed him, and so back and took up my wife and set her at Mrs.

In the autumn of 1669 he himself passed away, leaving behind him his painting-clothes, his paint-brushes, and nothing else, save a name destined to an immortality which his contemporaries little foresaw. All else had gone: his wife, his child, his treasures, and his early vogue among the Dutchmen of his time.

Whales were then seen daily in New York harbor, and in 1669 one Samuel Maverick recorded in a letter that thirteen whales had been taken along the south shore during the winter, and twenty in the spring. Little by little the boat voyages after the leviathans extended further into the sea as the industry grew and the game became scarce and shy.

The king's revenue lay under great debts and anticipations: those branches granted in the years 1669 and 1670 were ready to expire. And the fleet was represented by the king as in great decay and disorder.

This work of charity having exposed him, and many other of the most eminent Physicians to the envy and resentment of several persons of the same faculty, as well as Apothecaries, he ridiculed them with peculiar spirit, and vivacity, in his poem called the Dispensary in 6 Cantos; which, though it first stole into the world a little hastily, and incorrect, in the year 1669, yet bore in a few months three impressions, and was afterwards printed several times, with a dedication to Anthony Henley, esquire.

This appeared in the first indulgence, granted anno 1669, with design to divide Presbyterians among themselves, that they might the more easily destroy them.