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But the men, as soon as they warmed up which was in a very short time went into the spirit of the thing; and when at last the officers had got through the regular evolutions, that seemed to consist in weaving and twisting the men under their command into a series of intricate knots, for the sole purpose of untying them again, and Archie Maine had been saved from disgracefully clubbing his men by issuing an order which the said men wilfully disobeyed so as to cover the lad's mistake, there was a general forming up again for a rest and cool down, while the band struck up, and, helped by the echo, filled the parade with sweet sounds, to the great delight of the gathered crowd.

Perhaps he was clever enough to be wilfully stupid; or maybe he had become so used to following crooked paths that the straight road seemed to him a place full of suspicion and dread.

I remember during my first term at Oxford reading in Pater's Renaissance that book which has had such strange influence over my life how Dante places low in the Inferno those who wilfully live in sadness; and going to the college library and turning to the passage in the Divine Comedy where beneath the dreary marsh lie those who were 'sullen in the sweet air, saying for ever and ever through their sighs

He himself it was who tempted Ned away, and caused the boy to neglect his duty, bringing down all this misfortune. He had been thinking himself the only person in fault for being wilfully absent, but it was worse and worse! He had lured away, and placed another in the same position, so wide-spreading can a single evil step be in its results.

This is the only safe and practicable means of accomplishing an object so desirable; and those who attempt to extirpate slavery in any other way, are openly, knowingly, wilfully and deliberately violating God's laws; and can expect nothing but the curse of Almighty God on their devoted heads. If they sow the whirlwind, they may expect to reap the storm.

These workers were often diminutive Marcelines, hindering rather than aiding in the progress. But in every phase of activity of these ants there was not an ounce of intentionally lost power, or a moment of time wilfully gone to waste. What a commentary on Bolshevism!

Nowise did they wilfully hinder him, but whiles when they could get no talk from him, they would speak of him to each other, wondering that he should so toil to sail upon the sea; for they loved the sea but little, and it soon became clear to them that he was looking to nought else: though it may not be said that they deemed he would leave the land for ever.

It is not too much to say that, by luncheon time Theresa whether wilfully or not had succeeded in setting the entire household by the ears; while any inclinations towards peace-making, with which Damaris might have begun the day, were effectively dissipated, leaving her strengthened and confirmed in revolt.

But then, on the other hand, I am reminded that I did not sin wilfully, that I did not err purposely or wantonly, that what I did amiss I did in ignorance, that I verily believed myself in the way of duty when I went astray, that I was influenced by a desire to know the truth, that I believed myself, at the outset, bound as a Christian, and as a creature of God, to use my faculties to the utmost in searching the Scriptures, and exploring Nature, in pursuit of truth, that when I advocated infidel views, I advocated them believing them to be true, and believing that truth must be most conducive to the virtue and happiness of mankind.

"If you wish to retire in order to consider your verdict, gentlemen, you are quite at liberty to do so," remarked the coroner. "That is unnecessary," replied the foreman. "We are agreed unanimously." "Upon what?" "Our verdict is that the deceased was wilfully murdered by some person or persons unknown." "Very well, gentlemen.