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They were listening to a speaker who, standing upright in the wagon-body, was haranguing them earnestly. Nanna recognized him Prosper, the priest. It was the old story repentance, the wrath of the Shining One, and the imminence of the judgment.

"I'm going 'most there myself. Want a lift?" asked the man, still kindly. "Yes, sir. Thank you!" cried the boy joyfully. And together they aided his father to climb into the roomy wagon-body. There were few words said. The man at the reins drove rapidly, and paid little attention to anything but his horses. The sick man dozed and rested.

Ezra Perkins, perched on the seat before them, stiff and silent as if he were frozen there, drove them from Bradfield Junction to South Bradfield in the long wagon-body set on bob-sleds, with which he replaced his Concord coach in winter.

The pontoons in general use were skeleton frames, made with a hinge, so as to fold back and constitute a wagon-body. In this same wagon were carried the cotton canvas cover, the anchor and chains, and a due proportion of the balks, cheeses, and lashings. All the troops became very familiar with their mechanism and use, and we were rarely delayed by reason of a river, however broad.

"Why didn't they take you along, too?" "I sure wish they had," Bud answered shortly. "Then I wouldn't of had to be lookin' at that all afternoon." He straightened from the wagon-body he was tinkering and waved a wrench toward the window behind Stratton.

The most common quarters, however, were made by removing a wagon-body from its wheels, placing it upon the ground, and erecting in front of it a bower of cedars. It is needless to dwell on the exasperation which animated all who submitted to these sacrifices.

Look here, Barney, you better install a 'phone telephone haben. Some of you Dutchmen will be dying one of these days before you can fetch the doctor." The door closing. Barney's wagon the wheels silent in the snow, but the wagon-body rattling.

That I didn't is the only reason this story was ever told. The first wind I had of it crossed my path at Heman Street, a huge clattering shadow that turned out to be Si Pilot's team swinging at a watery gallop toward the back-side track, and the wagon-body full of men.

Folks who extol the glories of the good old times may be forgetting that they are not able to relive the emotions that put the zest into those past events. We used to go to "big meeting" in a two-horse sled, with the wagon-body half filled with hay and heaped high with blankets and robes. The mercury might be low in the tube, but we recked not of that.

The pontoons in general use were skeleton frames, made with a hinge, so as to fold back and constitute a wagon-body. In this same wagon were carried the cotton canvas cover, the anchor and chains, and a due proportion of the balks, cheeses, and lashings. All the troops became very familiar with their mechanism and use, and we were rarely delayed by reason of a river, however broad.