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Jerry flushed uncomfortably at that and felt that Celia Jane was taking an unfair advantage of him, so he did not answer. "W-w-will you, J-J-Jerry?" Celia Jane besought him. "No," said Jerry at length. "Why w-w-won't you?" Jerry felt himself flushing still more hotly from head to foot, partly at the smile he saw his father and mother exchange and partly at Celia Jane's importunity.

"Children! What a pair of noisy creatures you are! Where have you come from? You are late if just from school. And, Montgomery, does your grandmother know that you are here?" "N-n-no, Aunt E-E-E-Eunice. Nev' mind her. She w-w-won't care. C-c-c-can we?" "I don't think I quite understand. Did you ask me for a pumpkin? Please repeat." "'A pumpkin' that's one; no, indeed!" said Katy, scornfully.

"And now" she gasped "if the Froeken dies I will die too. I will you see if I don't! I w-w-won't live without her!" And such a big sob broke from her heaving bosom that it threatened to burst her trimly laced little bodice. "She will not die," said Ulrika decisively. "I have had my fears but the crisis is passed. Do not fret, Britta there is no longer any danger.

Rosanna sat straight up in bed and stared with round eyes. Miss Marjorie Hooker clicked across the big room and almost shyly took Rosanna's hand. "How do you do?" she said in a silvery, small voice that fitted her tiny self to perfection. "It is so good of you to see me!" "W-w-won't you sit down?" asked Rosanna feebly. Miss Hooker looked at Uncle Robert.

"We-we'll see about th-that. I c-c-can't and I w-w-won't bind myself without He who c-c-can't, can't; don't you see?" "That's very true." "I'm all p-p-put ab-b-bout by what you've t-t-told me. This is the f-first t-t-time in my life I have b-been obliged to th-th-think " "Yes, you are not a lawyer."

Jimmy took the letter and looked blankly from it to Annette. "Why, it's from you!" "What if it is, you b-booby?" she cried sharply; then she changed her tactics and looked up appealingly through the little square window. "Oh, Jimmy, do help me out! That's a d-dear! I'm in no end of a scrape. You'll do as I ask, now w-w-won't you?" Jimmy surrendered on the spot.