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Updated: August 1, 2024

Th' Spanish admiral shoots at him with a bow an' arrow, an' goes over an' writes a cable. 'This mornin' we was attackted, he says. 'An' he says, 'we fought the inimy with great courage, he says. 'Our victhry is complete, he says. 'We have lost ivrything we had, he says. 'Th' threachrous foe, he says, 'afther destroyin' us, sought refuge behind a mud-scow, he says; 'but nawthin' daunted us.

But th' victhry was not f'r long with th' hated Spanyard. He was answered be our whole fleet iv preachers. Thin he was jined be th' bishop iv Barsaloona an' th' bishop iv Mahdrid an' th' bishop iv Havana, all battle-ships iv th' first class, followed be a fleet iv cruisers r-runnin' all th' way fr'm a full-ar-rmored vicar gin'ral to a protected parish priest.

Mack r-rose up in a perfect hurcane iv applause, an' says he, 'Gintlemen, he says, 'an' fellow-heroes, he says, 'ye do me too much honor; he says. 'I alone shud not have th' credit iv this gloryous victhry. 'We have just emerged fr'm a turrible war, he says. 'Again, he says, 'we ar-re a united union, he says. 'No north, he says, 'no south, no east, he says, 'no west.

Be this time th' sojers had heerd of the victhry, an' they gathered on th' shore, singin' th' naytional anthem, 'They'll be a hot time in th' ol' town to-night, me babby. Th' gloryous ol' chune, to which Washington an' Grant an' Lincoln marched, was took up be th' sailors on th' ships, an' Admiral Cervera r-run wan iv his boats ashore, an' jumped into th' sea.

'All th' prom'nint saviors iv their counthry, he says, 'but mesilf, he says, 'is busy preparin' their definse, he says. 'I have no definse, he says; 'but I'm where they can't reach me, he says. 'Th' spoort is all out iv th' job; an', if ye don't come in an' jine th' tilin masses iv wage-wurrukers, he says, 'ye won't even have th' credit iv bein' licked in a gloryous victhry, he says.

"Well, like a good game, it come three an' three. Three times had victhry perched upon our banner an' thrice I see it in th' pa-aper had th' flag iv th' mother counthry proclaimed that Englishmen can r-run. It was thryin' on me narves an' I wanted to yell whin th' tie was r-run off but th' man fr'm Matsachoosetts says: 'Contain ye'ersilf, he says.

'Cap, says Gin'ral Shafter, 'if anny man ates a wisp, shoot him on th' spot, he says. 'Those hungry sojers may desthroy me hopes iv victhry, he says. 'What d'ye mane? says Cap Brice. 'I mane this, says Gin'ral Shafter. 'I mane to take yon fortress, he says. 'I'll sind ye in, Cap, he says, 'in a ship protected be hay, he says.

"Afther a while Doolan woke up, an' says he, 'Where's me frind? 'Gone, says I. 'His wife came in, an' hooked him off. 'Well, says Doolan, ''tis on'y another victhry iv the rulin' classes, he says." "Aho," said Mr. Dooley, drawing a long, deep breath. "Ah-ho, glory be to th' saints!" He was sitting out in front of his liquor shop with Mr. McKenna, their chairs tilted against the door-posts.

"An' he's been that proud iv th' victhry that he's been a reg'lar customer f'r a week." "Annything new?" said Mr. Hennessy, who had been waiting patiently for Mr. Dooley to put down his newspaper. "I've been r-readin' th' tistimony iv th' Lootgert case," said Mr. Dooley. "What d'ye think iv it?" "I think so," said Mr. Dooley. "Think what?" "How do I know?" said Mr. Dooley.

'As f'r us, he says, 'we decided afther th' victhry to light out f'r Ladysmith. he says, 'Th' inimy had similar intintions, he says, 'but their skill has been vastly overrated, he says. 'We bate thim, he says 'we bate thim be thirty miles, he says. That's where we're sthrong, Hinnissy.

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