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"Do you think that the negroes will ever marry enough with the white to become all white?" "Not now," the Southerner answered. "It is a crime in many States and punishable with imprisonment." "Then what's going to be done?" "I'm unreconstructed yet," the old Colonel said grimly. "I think still the negroes were better off as slaves. They're always going to be slaves, anyway, whether in name or not.

He'd want to start back in the eighteenth century, and tell you all about that discreditable and unreconstructed Tory ancestor of mine who, when he was exiled from Ashley, is said to have carried off part of the town documents with him to Canada. Several times, unscrupulous land-grabbers have taken advantage of the vagueness of the titles to cheat farmers out of their inheritance.

In the years of heart-hardenings which followed, a breach was opened, narrow at first, and never very deep, but wide enough to serve. Caleb Gordon had accepted defeat openly and honestly, and for this the unreconstructed Major had never fully forgiven him.

In Appleboro the pleasant and prejudiced Old looks askance at the noisy and intruding New, before which, it is forced to retreat always without undue or undignified haste, however, and always unpainted and unreconstructed.

Perhaps she thought of Hugo then; of perhaps the small unreconstructed corner of her mind grew more unrestful. "I'm not sure that I'll be able to go," she said, slowly.... "Dr. Vivian is your telephone number still the same Meeghan's Grocery? I I may want to speak to you some time." Yes, it was just the same. Meeghan's Grocery.

General Fisk declared that "there are some of the meanest, unsubjugated and unreconstructed rascally revolutionists in Kentucky that curse the soil of the country... a more select number of vindictive, pro-slavery, rebellious legislators cannot be found than a majority of the Kentucky legislature."

It will be interpreted by the unreconstructed element in the South those who did all they could to break up this Government by arms, and now wish to be the only element consulted as to the method of restoring order as a triumph. It will embolden them to renewed opposition to the will of the loyal masses, believing that they have the Executive with them.

This has an imposing sound, but when we learn that almost all the better class of whites were mere unreconstructed rebels, leaving only a few poor whites, some carpet-baggers from the North and the negroes from whom to select the State officers, the position ceases to seem exalted.

"Because she takes HIM up," returned Champney hurriedly; "and even if she didn't believe in them herself, she'd have to share the responsibility with him in the eyes of every unreconstructed rowdy like Tom Higbee and the rest of them. They'd make short work of her niggers all the same."

The plan showed a more chivalrous regard and deference for the wishes and preferences of the gentler sex than is common in an unreconstructed state of society; but it seemed to me, as an unprejudiced observer, that the same result might have been obtained without so much abuse of the unfortunate bridegroom! Some regard ought to have been paid to his feelings, if he was a man.