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He could not see how genuinely comic was his own unreconstructed ardor how exaggerated was his cocksure manner how thoroughly he spoke as though he himself had bled on the field of honor. From her hammock she watched him with serene and inscrutable complacency, from under long, half-closed lashes. In his gaze was inarticulate wrath, but back of that idolatry.

I am going to my room, papa, until until the Yankees leave." "An unreconstructed Rebel," he exclaimed, yet clearly surprised. "Why, I thought you and Galesworth were great friends." "Has he made that claim?" "Why eh no. It was what Le Gaire said." "Oh! I should suppose that by this time you would rather doubt the statements of that individual.

It superseded the governments of the ten unreconstructed States, divided their territory into five military districts, placed their commanders under the orders, not of the President, but of the general of the army, and suspended the habeas corpus. It was military rule in its barest form, and for an indefinite period.

In the midst of this warlike atmosphere sat the unreconstructed little doctor, wearing his gray uniform and his gray felt hat, which he removed only when he ate and slept. Here he ostensibly held office hours, but in reality he was doing sentry duty.

He used to come down and sit with me while I was getting well, and aggrieve his flute and say unreconstructed things about the North. You'd have thought that the smoke from the first gun at Fort Sumter was still floating around in the air.

It will be interpreted by the unreconstructed element in the South those who did all they could to break up this Government by arms, and now wish to be the only element consulted as to the method of restoring order as a triumph. It will embolden them to renewed opposition to the will of the loyal masses, believing that they have the Executive with them.

Legislatures were duly elected, and proceeded to enact laws. They all ratified the Thirteenth Amendment, though Mississippi and Alabama affixed some qualifications to their assent, while Texas was still unreconstructed and could not act; and Kentucky and Delaware gave a negative.

The necessity for it arises from the perfidy of the President of the United States. Had he been true to the duties of his high office and his public and repeated pledges, there would have been no necessity for considering such a bill." "Throughout the region of the unreconstructed States," said Mr.

The government of the unreconstructed South was thus put very largely in the hands of the Freedmen's Bureau, especially as in many cases the departmental military commander was now made also assistant commissioner. It was thus that the Freedmen's Bureau became a full-fledged government of men.