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One thing he did understand, though, was that the Ministry of Education was getting some very bad publicity at a time when it could be least afforded. Prince Travann was telling him about the hooligans' attack on the marching students, and that worried him even more.

I may tell you, in confidence, that every one of the conspirators is dead. Killed in this afternoon's rioting which was incited for that purpose by Prince Travann." "Then Then there will be no more plots against your life?" There was a note of regret in the old man's voice. "No more, Your Venerable Highness." "But What did Your Majesty call me?" he asked incredulously.

"Well, Prince Travann, will you have one of your officers see that the public-address screen in front is ready; I'll want to talk to them when they arrive. And meanwhile, I'll want to talk to Chancellor Khane, Professor Dandrik, Professor Faress and Colonel Handrosan, together. And Count Tammsan, too; Prince Ganzay, will you please screen him and invite him here immediately?" "Now, Your Majesty?"

I seem to recall student riots in which the sons of his late Highness Prince Travann and his late Majesty Rodrik XXI were involved." He deliberated the point for a moment, and added: "This scarcely sounds like a frat-fight or a panty-raid, though. What seems to have triggered it?"

He's trying to salvage some of the young nonworkers through exposing them to military discipline. A good many of them, I believe, have gone off-planet on their discharge from the SG and hired as mercenaries, which is a far better profession than vote selling." "Quite a plausible explanation: Prince Travann is nothing if not plausible," the Prime Minister agreed.

"I would further suggest that, as this microposito experiment is crucial to the whole question, it should be repeated. Under the personal direction of Professor Faress." "I agree with that, Your Majesty," Prince Travann said. "If it's as important as I think it is, Professor Dandrik is greatly to be censured for ordering it stopped and for failing to report this anticipation effect."

"He'll be finding the Bench of Counselors riddled with treason inside a week," Travann said. "You handled that just right, though. Another case of making problems solve each other." "You were telling me about a plot you'd discovered." "Oh, yes: this is one to top Dorflay's best efforts.

Prince Travann was a man of his own age they had been classmates at the University but he looked older. His thin face was lined, and his hair was almost completely white. He was at his desk, with the Sun and Cogwheel of the Empire on the wall behind him, but on the breast of his black tunic he wore the badge of his family, a silver planet with three silver moons.

According to him, when these micropositos were accelerated beyond sixteen and a fraction times light-speed, they began registering at the target before the source registered the emission." "Yes, I What did you say?" Prince Travann repeated it slowly, distinctly and tonelessly. "That was what I thought you said.

"We'll consult about the inquiry, including the experiment, tomorrow, Your Highness," Tammsan told Travann. Paul rose, and everybody rose with him. "That being the case, you gentlemen are all excused. The students' procession ought to be arriving, now, and I want to tell them what's going to be done. Prince Travann, Count Tammsan; do you care to accompany me?"