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I've waited at the ferry for some one who'll take a man over without the ferry fee, for I'm a poor gentleman though I'm of a good family, and had plenty, and the ones with the tocher won't have me, and the tocherless girls I dare not betray." "You ken the old word," said the woman; "the man who waits long at the ferry will get over some day."

Abbs, she kens weel how to keep a lass wi' a tocher so what does the Master but sends a letter ower to our Prior, bidding him send two trusty brethren, as though from the King, to conduct her to Whitby? 'Ha! said Malcolm; 'but that's ower the Border. 'Even so; but the Glenuskies are all English at heart, and it sicker trained away the silly lassie. 'And then? the other man-at-arms laughed.

"And she shall be one of the favoured ones of the earth," said he, as he took by the hand the girl, whom the few words from Mary had made sacred to him, adding, "Helen, dear, you are to be kinder to Mary than you have ever been;" and, slipping into the girl's hand a guinea, he whispered, "You shall have as many of these as will be a bigger tocher to you than you ever dreamed of, for what you have done for Mary Brown."

"The cruel man threw her away from him, just as if her tocher had been the weight of herself in copper, instead of gold.

Read me of the Stewarts. Then gave Master Kennedy a look as when he laughs in his sleeve, and shook his head. 'This book concerneth battles, said he, 'and not gear, plenishing, and tocher.

You'll notice, Master Gordon, I have something of the sentiment you Low-landers make such show of, or I play-act the thing very well. Believe me, I'll hope to get a wife out of your parish some day yet; but I warn you she must have a tocher in her stocking as well as on her father's hill." The minister surveyed him through half-shut eyes, leaning back on the rungs of his chair.

If there is shame, man, it comesna empty-handed there is siller to gild it a gude tocher, and no that bad a pedigree; if she has been a loon, it was your son made her sae, and he can make her an honest woman again."

It was then that Rebecca began to turn impatient with the slow pace at which the Laird's wooing proceeded, judiciously arguing, that, as Lady Dumbiedikes would have but little occasion for tocher, the principal part of her gudeman's substance would naturally descend to the child by the second marriage.

"I could have picked no better for you myself." "Did you say money?" "I thought once there might be something." "Money, money," she repeated to herself. "A tocher should not be all on one side," said he, "and I know the gentleman would be glad to have you " "Perhaps the whole countryside knows more about it than I do; it could scarcely know less.

To the women specifically mentioned the names of the following especially active in the campaign should be added: Miss Mary Stewart, Mrs. W. I. Higgins, Mrs. J. F. Kilduff, Mrs. Tyler Thompson, Jean Bishop, Mrs. Wm. Roza, Mrs. J. W. Scott, Mrs. John Duff, Mrs. Bertha Rosenberg, Mrs. Mary Tocher, Mrs. J. M. Darroch, Mrs. W. E. Cummings, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. A. E. Richardson, Mrs.