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How it happened, how it came into Professor Norton's hands, I do not know. "But, at any rate," she continued, in the same solemn tone, "the curse has followed it. After my brother had told the secret of the dagger and lost it, his mind left him. He threw himself one day into Lake Titicaca."

The watershed is so level that it is almost impossible to say whether any particular raindrop will eventually find itself in Lake Titicaca or in the Atlantic Ocean. The water from a spring near the railroad station of Araranca flows definitely to the north.

Its lightness enabled it to be floated at the edge of the lake even in very shallow water, and its rigidity was much appreciated in the late afternoon when the high winds raised a vicious little "sea." Rowing out on waters which we were told by the natives had never before been navigated by craft of any kind, I began to take soundings. Lake Titicaca is over nine hundred feet deep.

Five or six bulls were let loose during the excitement, but no harm was done, and every one had an uproariously good time. Such is the spectacle of Copacabana, a mixture of business and pleasure, pagan and Christian, Spain and Titicaca.

"Well, senor, it would take us along the other side of the mountains to Macari. From that place there is an easy path to La Raya; there we are on the plateau again, and have only to travel by the road through Sicuani to Cuzco." "In fact, it would double the length of our journey to Cuzco?" "Yes, senor; but if you liked, from Crucero you might go down to Lake Titicaca.

At the bottom are two spaces; figures may or may not have been there, but it looks as if they had been worn away.” It was found about the year 1859. The uniform and constant report of Peruvian tradition places the beginning of this old civilization in the Valley of Cuzco, near Lake Titicaca. There appeared the first civilizers and the first civilized communities.

Sometimes to the peak of a gable are fastened crosses, tiny flags, or the skulls of animals probably to avert the Evil Eye or bring good luck. Horseshoes do not seem to be in demand. Horses' skulls, however, are deemed very efficacious. On the rim of the Titicaca Basin is La Raya.

The following morning at seven o'clock Douglas rode into the parade ground, and found his men already drawn up, together with the two field- pieces; and half an hour later the little army clattered out of the barrack-yard into the streets, past the plaza, out of the north gate, and swung into the road which led north-eastward toward Lake Titicaca, reaching La Paz four days after leaving Arica.

Titicaca Island was regarded as sacred, and at the time of the Spanish conquest was the site of a large temple richly ornamented with gold and silver. Prospecting in the Andes is attended with great hardships. Few wild animals can be found to furnish food.

"Oh," was the astonished reply, "but that is a long, long distance two, three thousand miles." "Yes, I know, but have you ever been over the Andes?" "Oh, yes. I am a guide." Ned pondered a moment. "How far east and south?" he asked, then. "To Lake Titicaca." "That is on the boundary between Peru and Bolivia?" "Yes." "And you know that country the country around the lake?" "Very well, indeed."