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The prophet had departed hastily out of reach of her indignant appeals, and there was no one whose interference she could seek. In vain she besought Elvira, using both argument and passionate entreaty. With precipitate waywardness the strange girl was married by Elder Darling, in the shed of the tithing house. No letter came from Ephraim Croom or from his friends.

For aught that we learn to the contrary, he went on, tithing his mint, anise, and cummin, went on blindfold till he stumbled on the judgment-seat. He brought with him, what the Pharisee left at home, the book of his own guilt, and exhibited all that stood against him there. Arndt.

During the summer of 1899, with a party of Apostles and, other leading men, he visited many of the stakes of Zion in their conference gatherings. President Snow said he had a special message to deliver to the Saints which was that they should in the future more fully observe the law of tithing.

He took a keen pleasure in pointing out to them that though they were always reading the law and the prophets, they had not really the smallest idea of what either of them meant. In opposition to their tithing of each separate day into the fixed routine of prescribed duties, as they tithe mint and rue, he preached the enormous importance of living completely for the moment.

This law says that the Saints should first put all their surplus property into the hands of the bishop to be used for the benefit of the Church, and then after that, they should pay one tenth of all they made, as a tithing to the Lord; and the Lord further said that if the Saints did not keep this law, the land whereon they dwelt should not be a land of Zion unto them.

So Prosper went on. "If many sought you, child," he said, "you were rightly called Isoult la Desiree, but if you, on the other hand, sought something or somebody, then you were Isoult la Desirous. Is it not so?" "My lord," said Isoult, "the last is my name." "Then it must be that you too seek something. What is it that you seek, that all the tithing knows of it?"

Wolvesey was his palace, and within its walls, now ivy-clad and crumbling to decay, he held his court, with three tithing men and a constable to assist him. Here also was his exchequer, and here he imprisoned those who offended against his laws.

"A sad affair, Professor," observed the Coroner nervously, drinking in with profound respect the magnificent surroundings which symbolized the great wealth of which he secretly hoped to gain a tithing. "I trust that, as usual, in such cases, I may suggest an undertaker?" "Why talk about that at once, sir?" asked Howard with a shudder.

But while Baxter, in the seclusion of his parish, was painfully weighing the arguments for and against the wearing of surplices, the use of marriage rings, and the prescribed gestures and genuflections of his order, tithing with more or less scruple of conscience the mint and anise and cummin of pulpit ceremonials, the weightier matters of the law, freedom, justice, and truth were claiming the attention of Pym and Hampden, Brook and Vane, in the Parliament House.

Klingensmith, too, had put the clothing taken from the bodies, blood-stained, shredded by bullets and knives, into the cellar of the tithing office at Cedar City. Here there had been, a few weeks later, a public auction of the property taken, the Bishop, who presided as auctioneer, facetiously styling it "plunder taken at the siege of Sebastopol."