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She advised him to keep everything in readiness for departure, and she undertook to watch and give him timely warning. It was long after midnight, when Moor returned to his rooms. He sent the sleepy servant to rest, and paced anxiously to and fro for a short time; then he pushed Ulrich's portrait of Sophonisba nearer the mantel-piece, where countless candles were burning in lofty sconces.

When I tuk it ashore, I sat it down for a minit, and I hadn't the time to pick it up again." "But tell us all about it." This was quickly done, up to the point where Tim was saved by the timely appearance of the grizzly bear, when, as may well be supposed, the expressions of wonder were loud and continued. "You saw nothing more of your pursuers?" asked Howard.

It was dark and forbidden, but his manners were those of a person acquainted with good society; he thanked me 'with effusion, as the French say, for my timely assistance on the night before; and then he strolled forth with the good parson to look at the garden, leaving me tete-a-tete with his sister.

Hornbeck; and about nine o'clock hastened to her lodgings, when he was accosted in the street by his old discarded friend Thomas Pipes, who, without any other preamble, told him, that for all he had turned him adrift, he did not choose to see him run full sail into his enemy's harbour, without giving him timely notice of the danger.

His disposition to adhere to the modern witch-faith would have been greatly strengthened by the sight of a skull and cross-bones; a tame snake, or a little devil in a bottle, would have fixed his wavering belief; and his conversion would have been thoroughly assured by the timely exhibition of a broomstick on which he could see the saddle-marks.

Those who cannot be enlightened by reason, can only be controlled by force; and this, coupled with her great privations, must soon have reduced her to a worse condition than that of the beasts that perish, but for timely and unhoped-for aid. 'At this time, I was so fortunate as to hear of the child, and immediately hastened to Hanover to see her.

This offer was accepted with pleasure and gratitude, and the pecuniary result, though not very important, proved a timely help. Moreover, Roberts Brothers admired Mr. Hamerton's talent, and in very flattering terms acknowledged it, besides doing much for the spread of his reputation in America. In the autumn, bad news of Aunt Susan's health reached Pre-Charmoy.

Acting on a timely word of warning I bought in Hong Kong a most comfortable sedan-chair, a well-made bamboo affair fitted with a top and adjustable screens and curtains to keep out either rain or sun. I had been told that I should have no use for a tent, but that a camp-bed was a necessity, and so it proved.

The thing has to be done, and done well; and it would be much better if the amateur cannot do it ultimately, to pay an expert for timely instruction. Then fit the end pin, but, before doing so, look through the hole in which it has to go and ascertain if the post inside be straight which is very necessary to the good ordering of pure tone.

I saw the prisoner's eyes turned towards me, but he in no way expressed any gratitude for the service I desired to render him. Winnemak was all this time keeping a look-out on every side; while several of his men were acting as scouts, so as to give us timely notice of danger.