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Updated: August 17, 2024

He would distinguish, too, between a library and a news-room, and would find no great attraction in the prospect of supplying the national youth with free but thumby copies of the sixpenny magazines.

"But," said Mara, "I never can rest easy a moment when I see I am making a person uncomfortable." "Well, I don't tease anybody but the men. I don't tease father or mother or you, but men are fair game; they are such thumby, blundering creatures, and we can confuse them so." "Take care, Sally, it's playing with edge tools; you may lose your heart some day in this kind of game."

Bensington was very authoritative upon teaching though I am certain he would have been scared out of his wits by an average Board School class in half-an-hour and so far as I can remember now, he was propounding an improvement of Professor Armstrong's Heuristic method, whereby at the cost of three or four hundred pounds' worth of apparatus, a total neglect of all other studies and the undivided attention of a teacher of exceptional gifts, an average child might with a peculiar sort of thumby thoroughness learn in the course of ten or twelve years almost as much chemistry as one could get in one of those objectionable shilling text-books that were then so common....

It is too fine for our experimentation, too strong for our measurement. We must get rid of our thumby fingers first. What is light doing in space? That has greatly puzzled all philosophers. Without question there is inexpressible power. It is seen in velocity. But what is it doing? The law of conservation of force forbids the thought that it can be wasted.

One day we was kiddin' him about bein' so thumby, an' he sez, "That's right, boys, laugh while you can; but I'll have you all between the covers of a book some day, an' then it will be my grin. I ain't swore no everlastin' felicity to the holy cause o' labor; I'm just gettin' local color now."

It was almost as light as day; only in the yard the trees cast a slight shadow of tangled branches, leafless as they were. There was a suppressed sense of excitement, a strained thrill of the nerves that made thumby work of their handling the buckles.

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