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Those cases ought to be the most controlling you can find not necessarily the latest. They should be cases decided upon reason rather than upon authority. Your true judge likes to syllogize. Do not, however, go into a court without having thoroughly reviewed and mastered all the precedents bearing on every phase of your proposition.

The men who attack abuses are not so much to be dreaded by the reigning house of Superstition as those who, as Dante says, syllogize hateful truths. As for "the chains of feudal service," they might serve a Fenian Head-Centre on a pinch, but are wholly out of place here.

But she had had experience of her, and knew the instinctive divination that got at objects and results where reason in full-grown man would syllogize into the darkness of despair. Nor was it long before she is running back, leaping with all the abandon of a romp, crying "I will save dear Charlie yet; for I love him as much as I hate that old curmudgeon." "What does the girl mean?

They amount substantially to this, that the inductions may be made once for all: a single careful interrogation of experience may suffice, and the result may be registered in the form of a general proposition, which is committed to memory or to writing, and from which afterward we have only to syllogize.

Thus this "demonstration by a process of reasoning," apart from Sensation and Understanding, is only "to syllogize;" "for to draw the proper conclusion from the premisses is merely to syllogize.

Let him only believe his senses, which the author of nature hath given to instruct him, and they will all vanish. In the case before us, a single glance inward, carries full conviction that we are free. To offer arguments in proof is superfluous is trifling it is to ape the philosopher who attempted to syllogize himself into a conviction of his own existence! * * Cogito, ergo sum. Descartes.

From Grantham, till they had cross'd the Trent, my father was out of all kind of patience at the vile trick and imposition which he fancied my mother had put upon him in this affair 'Certainly, he would say to himself, over and over again, 'the woman could not be deceived herself if she could, what weakness! tormenting word! which led his imagination a thorny dance, and, before all was over, play'd the duce and all with him; for sure as ever the word weakness was uttered, and struck full upon his brain so sure it set him upon running divisions upon how many kinds of weaknesses there were; that there was such a thing as weakness of the body, as well as weakness of the mind, and then he would do nothing but syllogize within himself for a stage or two together, How far the cause of all these vexations might, or might not, have arisen out of himself.

What have words like 'Transubstantiation' and 'Concomitance, devotions like 'Benediction, gatherings like Eucharistic Congresses to do with the august simplicity of Christ's own institution? You Catholics argue too much deduce, syllogize, and explain until the simple splendour of Christ's mysterious act is altogether overlaid and hidden. Be more simple!

They amount substantially to this, that the inductions may be made once for all: a single careful interrogation of experience may suffice, and the result may be registered in the form of a general proposition, which is committed to memory or to writing, and from which afterwards we have only to syllogize.

We may reason, syllogize, speculate as we will, the first plant and the first tree were not nature's thankless bastards, but her legitimate and loving offspring. She engendered them in her own fruitful breast, and her "copy is eterne." The Distribution and Vitality of Seeds.