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They went down to the beach at once. A morning mist lay over the sea. They could not see anything two hundred yards ahead. They were obliged to wait. At last the first sunbeams began to pierce this nocturnal mist. It slowly dispersed, gliding over the sea as clouds move in the sky.

And so, when there is invisible vapour in the air, the sunbeams come to us deprived of some of their heat-waves, and we can remain in the sunshine without suffering from the heat. This is how the water-vapour shields us by day, but by night it is still more useful.

"But they are for filling and emptying both, making its current, as it glides by, like a rich stream glittering in the sunbeams with the sparkling lustre of their wit. Lord, how I'm blown! Fill my pannikin, Charley. There's no subduing a Scot. Talk with him, drink with him, fight with him, and he'll always have the last of it; there's only one way of concluding the treaty " "And that is "

Then once more the batten gate closed and the key grated between him and Aline marvellous, marvellous Aline Chapdelaine. The sunbeams of a tedious Sabbath began noticeably to slant.

The roads are all covered with brownish slush, in which future paths are already beginning to show; the roofs and side-walks are dry; the fresh young green is piercing through the rotting grass of last year, under the fences. In the gutters there is the merry gurgling and foaming of dirty water, in which the sunbeams do not disdain to bathe.

Nisida sprung to the window; and, though the obscurity of the evening now announced the last flickerings of the setting sunbeams in the west, she could perceive her lover dashing furiously on through the spacious gardens that surrounded the Riverola Palace. On on he went toward the River Arno; and in a few minutes was out of sight.

"There!" he said, lifting his head and showing an eager face lit by amorous eyes. "Now you know how lovely you are to me! I should like to kiss your mouth like that, for you have the sweetest mouth in the world! And you have the prettiest hair, not raw gold which I hate, but soft brown, with delicious little sunbeams lost in it, and such a lot of it! I've seen it all down, remember!

Orange-trees with their ripe fruit shone in the sunbeams like gold. Stately palms rose above the surrounding trees and waved their feathery plumes in the air, and bananas with broad enormous leaves rustled in the breeze and cast a cool shadow on the ground.

The setting sunbeams slant over the antique gateway of Sorrento, fusing into a golden bronze the brown freestone vestments of old Saint Antonio, who with his heavy stone mitre and upraised hands has for centuries kept watch thereupon.

Its rays shone brilliantly upon the patch of blue sea on which the submarine patrol boat steamed at such a rapid pace. The sunbeams pricked out the letters and figures painted so big upon the side of the craft and the Navy boys repeated in chorus: "S. P., Eighty-eighty-eight." The Navy boys arrived at the patch of shallow water over the Blue Reef at about noon.