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"Dis de on'ies' shut Ole 'Stracted got," she said, as if in apology to herself for being so careful.

These tales of courtly ideals on the part of the masters, and affecting loyalty on the side of the slaves, were gathered together and published in 1887 in a volume entitled "In Ole Virginia." "Marse Chan," "Meh Lady" and "Ole 'Stracted" the present selection, are the favorites of the collection.

"How is you, Ole 'Stracted?" asked the woman. "Dat ain' my name," answered the old man, promptly. It was the first time he had ever disowned the name. "Well, how is you, Ole What I gwine to call you?" asked she, with feeble finesse. "I don' know he kin tell you." "Who?" "Who? Marster. He know it. Ole 'Stracted ain' know it; but dat ain' nuttin. He know it got it set down in de book.

"Nebber see a see, not a see; lookin ober de lobstas all de time, an mos stracted wid plexity cos I couldn't cide bout de best ones. Dar was lots an lots up dar at one place, dough I didn't go fur, but ef I'd gone fur, I'd hab got better ones." "How far did you go?" "Not fur, ony short distance, didn't want to go too fur away for feah ob not gittin back in time.

"An' my edvice to you is to go 'long with them boys, if you don't want to git three loads of slugs in you. They may put 'em in you anyway. They's sort of 'stracted 'bout d'serters, and I can swear to it." He touched his forehead expressively. "March on!" said Frank. The prisoner, grinding his teeth, moved forward, followed by his guards.