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Look at that rich lot, next door to Lady Augusta's, with their carriages and servants, and soirees, and all the rest of their grandeur! their uncle was hanged for sheep-stealing." "I'd rather steal a sheep and be hanged for it, than help myself to a nasty bit of paltry money, and then deny that I did it!" foamed Gerald.

What they meant God knows; and you shall know, if you rightly read the primer of events. "Be the cattle-queen," said Webb; "and overlook it if you can. I was a mangy, sheep-stealing coyote." "Hush!" said Santa again, laying her fingers upon his mouth. "There's no queen here. Do you know who I am? I am Santa Yeager, First Lady of the Bedchamber. Come here."

An old Wiltshire woman's memories Her home Work on a farm A little bird-scarer Housekeeping The agricultural labourers' rising Villagers out of work Relief work A game of ball with barley bannocks Sheep-stealing A poor man hanged Temptations to steal A sheep-stealing shepherd A sheep-stealing farmer Story of Ebenezer Garlick A sheep-stealer at Chitterne The law and the judges A "human devil" in a black cap How the revolting labourers were punished A last scene at Salisbury Court House Inquest on a murdered man Policy of the farmers

Oh! that all the wealthy and in power were incited by similar feelings. The remainder of our simple tale is soon told. The reprieve arrived the sentence was changed to banishment and the very day appointed for Owen's death was that of his wife's successful return. One week previous to the embarkation of those sentenced to transportation, a man was to be executed for sheep-stealing.

Soldiers and slaves stand by to enforce his decree if need be, plaintiff and defendant lie like tombstones or advertisements of patent medicines, or telegrams from the seat of war, but no sign of an emotion lights the old man's face. He tempers justice with let us say, diplomacy. The other afternoon a French-protected subject was charged with sheep-stealing, and I went to the trial.

There was a good deal of horse and sheep-stealing going on in that particular locality, and a large amount of tact and ingenuity were necessary to discover the criminals. I soon found that this was a business at which I was likely to be successful. More than once I had the good fortune to be able to bring to book men who had carried on their trade for years, and who had been entirely unsuspected.

"The law as it was did not distinguish between a case of the kind just related, of the starving, sorely-tempted Shergold, and that of the systematic thief: sheep-stealing was a capital offence and the man must be hanged, unless recommended to mercy, and we know what was meant by 'mercy' in those days.

Such a man is dangerous; he decoys you into confidences. Even Satan cannot respect a sinner of this complexion, a sinner who is only fascinated by the sinfulness of sin. As for my poor host, I can see that he has never really graduated in sin at all; he has only sought the degree of sinner honoris causa. I am not thinking of sheep-stealing or highway robbery.

And a man on a white horse came fleeing before the wind close past me; I knew him in a minute; it was my wife's brother, as I tell ye, that was hung fifteen years agone for sheep-stealing, and he wasn't so much altered as ye'd think." "Some one else like him!" suggested the Doctor. "Deil a fear," replied the man, "for when I cried out and said, 'What, Col, lad!

Finding himself completely dislodged from his haunt in this quarter, he directed his flight towards his native place, New Amsterdam, whence he had formerly been obliged to abscond precipitately, in consequence of misfortune in business that is to say, having been detected in the act of sheep-stealing.