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"You do not sit well there," said Noor ad Deen, "and we cannot have the honour of seeing you; pray come nearer, and sit you down by the lady; she will like it much." "I will obey you," replied Scheich Ibrahim, so coming forward, simpering, to think he should be seated near so beautiful a creature, he placed himself at some distance from the fair Persian.

The caliph fell a laughing; by which the vizier recognising him, "Commander of the true believers," said he, "is it possible it can be you? I knew you not; and I ask a thousand pardons for my rudeness. You are so disguised that you may venture into the hall without any fear of being discovered by Scheich Ibrahim." "Stay you here with Mesrour," said the caliph, "while I go and play my part."

Away he went to execute the orders, which he did in a little time; and, upon his return, Noor ad Deen taking the pitchers out of the panniers, carried them into the hall. Scheich Ibrahim having led the ass to the place from whence he took him, came back again, "Scheich Ibrahim," said Noor ad Deen, "we cannot enough thank you for the trouble we have already given you; but we want something yet."

By and by, while Scheich Ibrahim was entertaining the fair Persian with some discourse, Noor ad Deen took his turn to desire him to light up some of the candles in the lustres, not taking notice that all the wax-lights were already in a blaze.

They all fell to work; and though Scheich Ibrahim's kitchen was not very large, yet there was every thing in it that they wanted. The fish was quickly cooked; and the caliph served it up, putting to every one's place a lemon to squeeze into the sauce, if they thought proper. They all ate very heartily, but especially Noor ad Deen and the fair Persian; and the caliph stood before them.

"Jaaffier," said he to the grand vizier, "what excuse have you for the door's being open at this unseasonable hour?" "Is it possible that Scheich Ibrahim makes a custom of leaving it thus all night? I rather believe the hurry of the feast has been the occasion of this neglect."

Scheich Ibrahim making use of the liberty that wine inspires when it gets into the head, and not caring to be interrupted in his discourse, bade the fair Persian light them herself.

Away he went to execute the orders, which he did in a little time; and, upon his return, Noor ad Deen taking the pitchers out of the panniers, carried them into the hall. Scheich Ibrahim having led the ass to the place from whence he took him, came back again, "Scheich Ibrahim," said Noor ad Deen, "we cannot enough thank you for the trouble we have already given you; but we want something yet."

"Very well," said Scheich Ibrahim to himself; "these people disobey the caliph's orders: but I will take care to teach them better manners."

"Scheich Ibrahim," said she to the good old officer, "you have afforded us but one candle, when there are so many wax-lights yonder; pray do us the favour to light some of them, that we may see a little better what we are doing."