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Gockelius speaks of self-castration in a ruptured man, and Golding, Guyon, Louis, Laugier, the Ephemerides, Alix, Marstral, and others, record instances of self-castration. In his Essays Montaigne mentions an instance of complete castration performed by the individual himself. Thiersch mentions a case of a man who circumcised himself when eighteen.

The French ministry blustered, and for a time diplomatic relations between the two countries were entirely ruptured. But France, affecting to see in the message of 1835, though voiced in precisely the same tone as its predecessor, some apology for the menace contained in that, began its payments.

When braces are placed in front of the foot, great care is necessary in properly padding the member with cotton lest sloughing from pressure occurs at the coronet; but this does not apply in rupture of extensors so much as where flexors are ruptured.

It is hardly necessary to mention the instances in which pus or blood from ruptured abscesses entered the trachea and caused subsequent asphyxiation. A curious instance is reported by Gaujot of Val-de-Grace of a soldier who was wounded in the Franco-Prussian war, and into whose wound an injection of the tincture of iodin was made.

Little did the preacher think, on returning to his daughter, that he should soon be bereft of her; yet such was to be his lot. A blood-vessel had been ruptured, and the three physicians who were called in told the father that he must prepare to lose his child. That moral courage and calmness, which was her great characteristic, did not forsake Georgiana in her hour of death.

"Pa throwed his coat over me, and started down stairs on a run, 'I have murdered my brave boy, and he told Ma to go up stairs and stay with me, cause I had fallen off a trunk and ruptured a blood vessel, and he went after a doctor.

One day, when hunting, he was thrown from his horse, and ruptured a blood-vessel. Fearful of alarming the King, now near the end of his long life, he foolishly made light of his accident, and only consented to see a doctor when it was too late.

The fundamental rock is slate or grit of Devonian age, furrowed by numerous valleys, often richly wooded, and diversified by conical hills of trachyte; or by crater-cones, formed of basalt or ashes, sometimes ruptured on one side, and occasionally sending forth streams of lava, as in the cases of the Perlinkopf, the Bausenberg, and the Engelerkopf.

Then we can drill a hole in the skull directly over it and remove the tumor, lift up the splinter of bone, or tie the ruptured blood vessel. Three other patches, or areas, running along the side of the brain, each of them about two inches across, are known to be the centres for smell, hearing, and sight, that for sight lying furthest back.

The ruptured corner had been tied with a string, and the sack bulged heavily in the coroner's hand. "When Isom was lying on the floor after he was shot," said Joe. A movement of feet was audible through the room. People looked at each other, incredulity in their eyes.