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We now come to the second marriage of our hero, when Beatrix, the only child and heiress of Reinold of Burgundy, became his bride; and an echo of the old romantic halo which surrounds that incident in Barbarossa's life reaches us, even in this prosaic age, as we picture to ourselves the gallant, handsome Frederick riding off with his trusty knights to deliver the fair heiress of Count Reinold from the gloomy prison in which her uncle, Count William, had confined her in order to appropriate the rich domains of "Franche-Comté."

A litle before the death of king Edward, Sithrike the king of Northumberland killed his brother Nigellus, and then king Reinold conquered the citie of Yorke.

"Nay, the flagon the flagon, friend Reinold; I love a deep and solemn draught when the business is weighty," said Wilkin. He seized on the flagon accordingly, and drinking a preparatory mouthful, paused as if to estimate the strength and flavour of the generous liquor.

"Nay!" said the Countess, "think I am the daughter of Count Reinold of your father's old, valiant, and faithful servant. Would you hold me out as a prize to the best sword player?" "Your ancestress," said the Duke, "was won at a tourney you shall be fought for in real melee.

William was rather addicted to wine, but so was the gallant Sir Godfrey, her grandsire he was something hasty and sanguinary in his temper, such had been her brother Reinold of blessed memory; he was blunt in speech, few Germans were otherwise; and a little wilful and peremptory, but she believed all men loved to rule.

Professor Reinold and Sir Arthur Rücker have shown that this zone is no longer exactly spherical; and from this we must conclude that the superficial tension, constant for all thicknesses above a certain limit, commences to vary when the thickness falls below a critical value, which these authors estimate, on optical grounds, at about fifty millionths of a millimetre.

There be that write, that this Aulafe is not that Aulafe which was sonne to king Sithrike, but rather that the other was he with whom king Edmund made partition of the realme: but they agree, that this second Aulafe was a Dane also, & being conuerted to the faith as well through constraint of the kings puissance, as through the preaching of the gospell, was baptised, king Edmund being godfather both vnto him, and vnto the foresaid Reinold, to Aulafe at the verie fontstone, and to Reinold at his confirmation at the bishops hands.

"And drink you shall," said Reinold, "if drink will give you the courage which perhaps you want." He descended to the secret crypts, of which he was the guardian, and returned with a silver flagon, which might contain about a quart. "Here is such wine," said Reinold, "as thou hast seldom tasted," and was about to pour it out into a cup.

Reinold Heath was rarely in a sunny mood at the hour when her coffee and rolls came to her, as she sat propped against the pillows of the elaborately hung bed in her French gray and old-rose room. The same hour which brought the breakfast tray brought Mrs. Heath's social secretary and those duties which lie incumbent upon a leader of society's most exploited and inner circles. Mrs.

This work is justly of great authority, for its details in maritime geography, Stavorinus's Voyages to the East Indies, comprising an account of all the possessions of the Dutch in India, and at the Cape of Good Hope, 3 vols. 8vo. 1798. Fra. Paolino's Voyage to the East Indies. With notes by J. Reinold Forster. 8vo. 1800.