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Updated: August 8, 2024

As he enters, he sits on Radha's bed, lifts her veil, gazes intently at her face and declares that certainly she is very ill indeed. He then takes her pulse and says, 'it is the water of love that is rotting her heart like a poison. Radha is elated at this diagnosis, rouses herself and stretches her limbs. 'You have understood my trouble, she says.

It is a further argument for this independence that he taught the worship of Vishṇu only and not of Râdhâ and discountenanced the use of images. On the other hand it is stated that he sojourned in Bengal and it appears that soon after his death his connection with the teaching of Caitanya was recognized in Assam. At present there are three sects in Assam.

The king, however, does not understand it. Thou roarest, O son of Radha, as long as thou seest not the son of Pritha. These thy roars disappear when thou seest Partha near. Indeed, thou roarest as long as thou art out of the range of Phalguna's shafts. Those roars of thine disappear when thou art pierced with Partha's shafts.

Radha decides to stand this no longer and partly in jest dresses herself up as a constable. When Krishna next teases the girls, she descends upon him, catches him by the wrist and 'arrests' him as a thief. It is in the poems of Chandi Das, however, that Krishna's most daring ruses are described.

The son of Adhiratha, then, of great might laughing in scorn, and drawing his excellent bow let off many keen shafts, afflicting his foes. The son of Radha pierced each of them in return with five arrows. Cutting off the bow of Satyaki, as also his standard, O bull of Bharata's race, Karna pierced Satyaki himself with nine shafts in the centre of the chest.

The son of the Wind-god, filled with wrath, and covering the entire welkin with his shafts, shrouded Karna with thick showers of arrows as the latter pursued the king from behind. The son of Radha then, that crusher of foes, turning back from the pursuit, quickly covered Bhima himself with sharp arrows from every side.

With him whose lovely mouth is like a lotus that is opening, With him whose words are nectar in their sweetness and their tenderness, With him who wears a garment streaked with gold, all white and beautiful Not made to sigh is she, my friend, derided by her girls! Next morning Radha is standing with her girls when Krishna tries to approach her. Now, however, he has come too late.

When thou comest before that wicked son of Radha, be thou very careful, for he always challengeth me to an encounter. Entertained with regal splendour by Duryodhana, he is very partial and well-affected towards that prince. Let him be approached last of all, for he may, even now, be an obstacle to me.

The girl has, therefore, to go once more to Krishna and describe Radha's state. In secret on every side she sees you Drinking the honied sweet of her lips. Where Radha stays now she wilts away, She may live no longer without your skill, Again and again she keeps telling her friend, 'O why must Krishna delay to come?

Beholding those two brothers made carless, that slayer of hostile heroes, viz., their maternal uncle, the ruler of the Madras, moved by compassion, addressed the son of Radha and said, "Thou art to fight today with Pritha's son Phalguna. Why dost thou then, with rage inflamed to such a pitch, battle with Dharma's royal son? Thou art suffering thy weapons to be exhausted.

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