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XVI. In reply to these statements, the following arguments are often adduced by those who are not unskilful in discussions, and who, in this question, have all the greater weight of authority, because, when we inquire, Who is a good man? understanding by that term a frank and single-minded man we have little need of captious casuists, quibblers, and slanderers.

Although studying law only that he might have an academic degree, he enjoyed a reputation for diligence, and as a logician in the scholastic way had no cause to envy the most frenzied quibblers of the University faculty.

At this meeting, I fell in company with a very pleasant man, who had several times addressed those present, and always in such a clear, forcible, and common-sense way, as to carry conviction to all but a few, who carped and quibbled at every thing he said, and in a very churlish manner. Several of those quibblers I happened to know. He represented one set of views, and they another.

So the hour of doom for Semei is come, and the wise man knows what to do with him; he is down upon me with the odious names of "St. Alfonso da Liguori," and "Scavini" and "Neyraguet," and "the Romish moralists," and their "compeers and pupils," and I am at once merged and whirled away in the gulph of notorious quibblers, and hypocrites, and rogues.

But in the movings after each eight are dealt, I shall consciously choose and judge, which is pure free will or an imitation of it sufficiently colorable to satisfy any, but quibblers. There, for me, is the fatalism of body, the free will of soul. Of these I learn when I play the game. Now my first eight cards are down in a horizontal row.

Such quibblers excite my wonder! Are we, forsooth, bound to believe that Joshua the soldier was a learned astronomer? or that a miracle could not be revealed to him, or that the light of the sun could not remain longer than usual above the horizon, without his knowing the cause?

That further relaxation of the obligation of truthfulness was grounded on the words quoted in verse 33, for, said the immoral quibblers, 'it is "thine oaths to the Lord" that thou "shalt perform," and for these others you may do as you like' Therefore our Lord insists that every oath, even these mutilated, colloquial ones which avoid His name, is in essence an appeal to God, and has no sense unless it is.

"Down with the doctors!" "Down with the cardinal disputations, and quibblers!" "My cap to you, Chancellor of Sainte-Genevieve! You have done me a wrong. 'Tis true; he gave my place in the nation of Normandy to little Ascanio Falzapada, who comes from the province of Bourges, since he is an Italian." "That is an injustice," said all the scholars. "Down with the Chancellor of Sainte-Genevieve!"

Xantippe seized the opportunity and struck in: "He is not glad, and he does not believe in Cleon." "I know you," concluded Anytos. "I know you philosophers and quibblers! But take care! And now, Alcibiades, come and receive the despised Cleon, who has saved the fatherland!" Alcibiades took Socrates by the hand, and whispered in his ear. "What a cursed mischance! Well, not yet! but the next time!"

Only sophomores, and private secretaries who write speeches for able Congressmen, write Johnsonese. Quibblers possibly may arise and present Johnson's definition of network "anything reticulated or decussated at equal distances with interstices between the intersections" but with the quibbler we have no time to dally.