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Updated: August 20, 2024

The importation of other sorts of grain was restrained at rates and by duties, in proportion to the value of the grain, almost equally high. Before the 13th of the present king, the following were the duties payable upon the importation of the different sorts of grain: Grain. Duties. Duties Duties. Beans to 28s. per qr. 19s:10d. after till 40s. 16s:8d. then 12d.

The thrust of the shaft was equal to a weight of 4 tons, 4 cwt., 1 qr., 1 lb. The horse power of the shaft was 290.2 horses, and the ratio of the shaft to the engine power was 1 to 1.2. Here, therefore, the amount of the engine power utilized was 84 per cent.

| | In Portuguese Ships. || In Ships of other Nations. | | Articles. | || | | | Amount. | Value. || Amount. | Value. | | | | || | | | | | L. s. d. || | L. s. d. | | Ivory. . . Cwt. | 1454 | 35,350 0 0 || 515 | 12,875 0 0 | | Palm oil . " | 1440 | 2,160 0 0 || 6671 1 qr. | 10,036 17 6 | | Coffee . . " | 152 | 304 0 0 || 684 | 1,368 0 0 | | Hides. . . No. | 1837 | 633 17 6 || 849 | 318 17 6 | | Gum. . . . Cwt. | 147 | 205 16 0 || 4763 | 6,668 4 0 | | Beeswax. . " | 1109 | 6,654 0 0 || 544 | 3,264 0 0 | | Orchella . Tons | 630 | 23,940 0 0 || .... | .... | | | | || | | | | | 69,247 13 6 || | 34,530 19 0 |

"The Gentlemen provided at Faneul Hall some biscuit & cheese four qr Casks of wine three barrels & two hogs of punch the moment they found that the people had drank sufficiently means were taken to overset the two hogspunch this being done the company dispersed and the day ended most agreeably"* * Ibid. Maryland came next.

"The following claim I purchased of John Kight in February 1839, & I wish it registered to me as a claim made as I have not got his deed with me the same being the S W qr of S 14, & that part of the S 1/2 of S 15, that Lyes East of the Iowa River T 79 N. R. 6 W. July 3rd 1840 handed in July 3, 1840 ROBERT LUCAS"

Westcott; that he was anxious to leave; that he had every motive for wishing to pre-empt before Westcott did; that the land-warrant numbered so-and-so it is of no use being accurate here, they were accurate enough in court had been posted in Red Owl on a certain day; that a gentleman who rode with the driver saw him receive the mail at Red Owl, and saw it delivered at Metropolisville; that Charlton pre-empted his claim the S.E. qr. of the N.E. qr., and the N. 1/2 of the S.E. qr. of Section 32, T. so-and-so, R. such-and-such with this identical land-warrant, as the records of the land-office showed beyond a doubt.

They are in the hands of Jewish supercargoes, one of which nation is to be seen in every regiment and in every boat. These poor people, after the cargo is sold, walk home again 600 or 700 miles. Price of wheat on the shore 55s. per qr. That won't hurt us. The King is expected tomorrow late in the evening. Good-night. 'Monday night, ten o'clock. The day is past and I have returned for the night.

Barley to 28s. 19s:10d. 32s. 16s. 12d. Malt is prohibited by the annual malt-tax bill. Oats to 16s. 5s:10d. after 9½d. Pease to 40s. 16s: 0d. after 9¾d. Rye to 36s. 19s:10d. till 40s. 16s:8d 12d. Wheat to 44s. 21s: 9d. till 53s:4d. 17s. 8s. till £4, and after that about 1s:4d. Buck-wheat to 32s. per qr. to pay 16s.

I knew, among our group of food producers, a party of young engineers, college men, who took an empty farm north of the city as the scene of their summer operations. They took their coats off and applied college methods. They ran out, first, a base line AB, and measured off from it lateral spurs MN, OP, QR, and so on.

The mean thrust upon the screw shaft during this experiment, was 4 tons, 7 cwt., 0 qr., 16 lbs. The horse power of the shaft was 125.9 horses, and the slip of the screw was 56 per cent. Taking the power actually exerted by the Rattler at 300 horses, the power utilized in this experiment is only 42 per cent. Q. What are the dimensions of the screw in the Rattler?

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