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Updated: August 11, 2024

"I'm a-go'n' agit me one nem waituh suits befo' long, myse'f, so's I kin quit wearin' 'at ole Henry Gimlet suit what b'long to Fanny, an' have me a privut suit o' my own. They's a secon'-han' sto' ovuh on the avynoo, where they got swallertail suits all way f'um sevum dolluhs to nineteem dolluhs an' ninety-eight cents. I'm a " Jane started, interrupting him.

"I mean, how did it happen you began to get this way?" "Well, suh, 'tall come 'bout right like kine o' slidin' into it 'stid o' hoppin' an' jumpin'. I'z spen' the even' at 'at lady's house, Fanny, what cook nex' do', las' year. Well, suh, 'at lady Fanny, she quit privut cookin', she kaytliss " "She's what?" Jane asked. "What's that mean, Genesis kaytliss?" "She kaytuhs," he explained.

"I wuz standin' clost ter one o' ther winders what opens out onter ther alley when I hears two fellers talkin' below me," said Bud. "What were they saying?" "I wuzn't aimin' ter listen ter no one's privut conversation, but I caught your name, an' I tried ter hear what wuz said erbout yer." "Naturally."

I'm goin' on privut business for me boss and confidenshell. Me and Chance." "That's all right, my friend. But I have some private and confidential business that can't wait." "But I ain't done nothin'," whined Sundown, lapsing into his old attitude toward the law. "Maybe not. Mr.

S'posen sum of us was to meet up with that skunk accidental: are we to let him slip jest because yuh don't happen to be cavortin' around conteegious? I, fer one, won't, an' right here I gives yuh notice." "Besides," he drawled softly, "I've got a privut grutch agin him of my own, an' I'm goin' to beat yuh to it if I kin." The other shook his head deprecatingly. "Don't do anything rash, Red.

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