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Sparsit, deceased, of whom she was the relict, had been by the mother's side what Mrs. Sparsit still called 'a Powler. Strangers of limited information and dull apprehension were sometimes observed not to know what a Powler was, and even to appear uncertain whether it might be a business, or a political party, or a profession of faith.

Mrs. Sparsit laughed outright. 'A chit, said she. 'Not twenty when she was married. 'I give you my honour, Mrs. Powler, returned the stranger, detaching himself from the table, 'that I never was so astonished in my life! It really did seem to impress him, to the utmost extent of his capacity of being impressed.

The prize-giving, with the Mayor of Melchester in the chair, and Augustus Powler, Esq., M.P., and other grandees, upon the platform, was a very serious and formal business; the Past and Present match, in which Preston, the coming man in bowling, took seven wickets, and dear old Clayton, a bygone captain, lifted a ball over the roof of the pavilion, was certainly more interesting; but, at all events, in the opinion of all those concerned, the chief event of the day was the annual supper of the Fifth Form Literary Society.

George Powler was a heavy thick-set man, approaching middle age, with the air of a prosperous merchant, and with a somewhat shy and awkward manner; it seemed to Ida that he looked rather bored as he sat on one of the stiff, uncomfortable chairs, with the mother and daughter "engaging him in conversation," as they would have called it.

'They have done that, ma'am, returned Bitzer; 'but it rather fell through, ma'am. 'I do not pretend to understand these things, said Mrs. Sparsit, with dignity, 'my lot having been signally cast in a widely different sphere; and Mr. Sparsit, as a Powler, being also quite out of the pale of any such dissensions.

As the Powler cultivator traveled to and fro, ripping up the stubbles, the boy who sat on the iron seat and manipulated the guiding-wheel, snivelled gently, realizing that the brief but welcome interval of icy aloofness on the part of his superiors had passed, never to return; and that the injunction of the Prophet would thenceforth be scrupulously obeyed. A Tale of India By JOHN LE BRETON

"Go on, Carter," said the chairman. "Shan't!" returned the other, snappishly. "I've finished." Shepherd was now called upon to open on the side of the negative. "War," he began, assuming his accustomed attitude, and beaming round on his listeners with a very good imitation of the Powler smile "war is like surgery.

"Oh, Ida, can you lend me a clean collar?" she asked, in a stage whisper, and with a giggle which was intended to invite question; but, as Ida had asked none, Isabel said, with another giggle: "You've heard me speak of George Powler?"

Sparsit was a Powler, or that I myself am related to the Scadgers family; or if I could even revoke the fact, and make myself a person of common descent and ordinary connexions; I would gladly do so. I should think it, under existing circumstances, right to do so. The same Hermitical state of mind led to her renunciation of made dishes and wines at dinner, until fairly commanded by Mr.

George Powler, no doubt encouraged by her gentleness, serenity, and perfect self-possession qualities none too common in the class to which he belonged grew less nervous, and, to his own amazement, found himself talking presently quite fluently to this distinguished-looking young lady whose entrance of the drawing-room had struck him with awe.