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One would have liked to come across that Tom, and perhaps felt half afraid that he might not readily be found outside the cover of the volume. It is true that that longing to know something of the hero's after-life which is one accompaniment of the perusal of a thoroughly good work of fiction was, in the case of Tom Brown, partially gratified.

"I have no idea," he answered, and turned to another anxious perusal of the letter. I turned the situation over in my mind. Evidently Miss Vaughan believed that she had grave cause for alarm, and yet it was quite possible she might be mistaken. She was being urged to consent to something against her will, but perhaps it was for her own good.

The tongue of woman has long been celebrated as an unruly member, and perhaps, in some of the domestic affairs of life, it has been unnecessarily active; yet no one who gives this narrative a perusal, can justly deny that it was the primal cause of the grandest discovery of the age.

The Count met his eyes and nodded gravely. With a little nod and a sudden pleasant smile the other returned to the perusal of his evening paper. Cipriani de Lloseta drew forward a deep chair, and with a courteous gesture invited Fitz to be seated. He took a similar chair himself, and then leant forward, cigar-case in hand. "You know Mallorca," he said. Fitz took a cigar.

More important still, a perusal of the brief records they have left, impresses the conviction that they were no strangers to the underlying fact that the people are the true source of political power, the evidence whereof is to be found in the scant records of their proceedings a priceless heritage of all future generations.

Mr Bickersdyke resumed his perusal of the evening paper, and presently, laying it down, rose and made his way to the room where muscular attendants were in waiting to perform that blend of Jiu-Jitsu and Catch-as-catch-can which is the most valuable and at the same time most painful part of a Turkish Bath.

In the succeeding spring, the perusal of old Isaac Walton's fascinating volume determined Edward to become 'a brother of the angle. But of all diversions which ingenuity ever devised for the relief of idleness, fishing is the worst qualified to amuse a man who is at once indolent and impatient; and our hero's rod was speedily flung aside.

"He would love his country fast enough if he had 10,000 acres in it." Kenelm shook his head when he came to this sentence. "Is even then love for one's country but cupboard-love after all?" said he; and he postponed finishing the perusal of his father's letter.

VAUX has rendered good service to the reading public." GLOBE. "The volume is profusely embellished with engravings of the antiquities of which it treats. We would recommend its perusal to all who desire to know whatever our countrymen have done and are doing in the East." OBSERVER. "A valuable addition to archaeological science and learning."

There was also a pair of scrolls, the text of which was: A thorough insight into worldly matters arises from knowledge; A clear perception of human nature emanates from literary lore. On perusal of these two sentences, albeit the room was sumptuous and beautifully laid out, he would on no account remain in it. "Let us go at once," he hastened to observe, "let us go at once." Mrs.