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My dear boy, you've won the affection of every one in the corps, from the Colonel right down to the cooks. It's only cupboard-love, of course; but they're very fond of you now. We were going to chair you round the big court last night, but the Colonel stopped it. `Let the poor fellow have a good rest, he said. But we did all drink your health with three times three in water. Here hullo!

"He would love his country fast enough if he had 10,000 acres in it." Kenelm shook his head when he came to this sentence. "Is even then love for one's country but cupboard-love after all?" said he; and he postponed finishing the perusal of his father's letter.

There's the love which is affection, there's the love which is cupboard-love, and there's the love which is just simply love-love and nothing else. The first, as you have truly observed, has its roots in consanguinity or association, the second in a lively hope of future comfits, and either is sufficiently explicable.

It's only cupboard-love animals have got, and that proves that they have no souls." "It seems to me," said Harry, in a would-be sarcastic voice, "that very much the same thing may be said of some girls. Who caught you stealing a peach a week ago? Ha, ha, Miss Kitty." "Oh, for pity's sake, children, don't quarrel," exclaimed Molly.

"He would love his country fast enough if he had 10,000 acres in it." Kenelm shook his head when he came to this sentence. "Is even then love for one's country but cupboard-love after all?" said he; and he postponed finishing the perusal of his father's letter.

The house doesn't look quite squint-eyed. Then this evening we can go to the 'Cupping-Glass' and have a jolly good spree, and act the home-coming American. Besides it's not right to go home without taking something for your family. Just you wait! You should see 'Laura with the Arm' dance! She's my cupboard-love, you know.

With all her kindness, she had not attracted me, for cupboard-love is not the sole, or always the most powerful, operant on the childish mind: it is in general stronger in men than in either children or women. I would rather not see Mrs Wilson again she had fed my body, she had not warmed my heart. It was the grand old house that attracted me.

You are enslaved by the verb "to have": all your reactions to life consist in corporate or individual demands, appetites, wants. That "love of life" of which we sometimes speak is mostly cupboard-love. We are quick to snap at her ankles when she locks the larder door: a proceeding which we dignify by the name of pessimism. The mystic knows not this attitude of demand.

The house doesn't look quite squint-eyed. Then this evening we can go to the 'Cupping-Glass' and have a jolly good spree, and act the home-coming American. Besides it's not right to go home without taking something for your family. Just you wait! You should see 'Laura with the Arm' dance! She's my cupboard-love, you know.