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Ashe emerged from the drawing-room. "Kitty, please! It is nearly midnight. Everybody is tired and you yourself must be worn out! Say good-night, and let us all go to bed." She turned. Willam's voice was low, but peremptory. She shook back her hair from her temples and neck, with the gesture he had learned to dread. "Nobody's tired and nobody wants to go to bed.

The lady stood by in haughty silence. Finally Stapleton turned upon his heel and beckoned in a peremptory way to his sister, who, after an irresolute glance at Sir Henry, walked off by the side of her brother. The naturalist's angry gestures showed that the lady was included in his displeasure.

No one, however, dared ask any direct question concerning her, her reception, whoever she was, being of a strictly guarded nature, and peremptory orders having been given to admit no one to the Queen's presence-chamber, to which apartment she had been taken by the King's physician.

'What, do you know who I am? said the domestic sharply. 'I know you, by your by-word, answered the other; 'What, have you forgot little Sam Skelton, and the brock in the barrel? 'No, I have not forgotten you, answered the acquaintance of Sam Skelton; 'but my orders are peremptory to let no one up the avenue this night, and therefore' 'But we are armed, and will not be kept back, said Nanty.

Frederick, as soon as he had finished this speech, which he pronounced in a peremptory tone, left the room; and Laniska's friend, who perceived that the imprudent words he had uttered in Berlin had reached the king's ear, gave the young man up for lost.

She slipped her hand into Isabel's as though seeking refuge and as she did so she heard Eustace address his brother, his tone brief and peremptory, the voice of the employer. "You have finished that correspondence?" "I shall finish it in time for the post," Scott made answer. Eustace made a sound expressive of dissatisfaction. "You'll miss it sure as a gun!"

Yet the Romans boldly advanced from the Araxes to the Tigris, and the timid prudence of Rhazates was content to follow them by forced marches through a desolate country, till he received a peremptory mandate to risk the fate of Persia in a decisive battle.

She had too recently been employing herself in binding up his broken heart, and pouring balm into the "scorpion's sting," to be willing so soon to deprive him of those alleviations. Her tone was however no longer benignant, and her directions were extremely peremptory.

And yet in sober sadness, Myles, 't is marvel to me how thou, born to a great name and to such observance as awaits the children of wealthy houses, and then, when hardly more than a boy, placed in authority such as appertaineth to an English army officer in time of war, how thou hast failed to become more arrogant and peremptory than thou art.

But the doctor was firm that during the now imminent winter I was not to return to the field. Fortunately, my able colleagues, MacGahan and Millet, were there; and I was therefore the less distressed by Dr. 's peremptory sentence on me. I was condemned to return to England as soon as I should be strong enough to travel.