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"So," said James, "this is the reward of my kindness? This " Nickie was silent for a moment for the preacher was Nicholas Crips, garbed in an old suit of his master's then he turned calmly and said: "This gentleman, brothers and sisters, is the Reverend James Nippit, the founder of our noble much desire to say a few words. I desire to say mission. He desires to say a few words."

"I want you to listen to this poor fellow, James," said the lady, "his story will touch you as it has touched me. My poor man, this is my son, the Rev. James Nippit." Nickie bowed with a grace that did not belong to his tramp's garments and his insanitary and unshaven state. "Thank God.

You, as it were, forced me to submit. You said you'd reform me in spite of myself. Well, I am patient, and you are earnest, but we don't seem to make much progress." For seven weeks the Rev. James Nippit continued experimenting and never once lost faith.

"It's clean havers aboot the muir. Losh keep's, we've a' sleepit oot and never been a hair the waur. "A' admit that England micht hae dune the job; it's no canny stravagin' yon wy frae place tae place, but Drums never complained tae me as if he hed been nippit in the Sooth."

The Rev. Nippit explained his belief that all men had in them the elements of decency, order and religion. Those elements only needed proper opportunities for development. He purposed giving Nickie the opportunities. He needed a handy man about the house; Nickie was to have the job. He would be expected to bathe every day, to shave every day, and observe the decencies of the well-ordered home.

Uncertified persons of bad character were found to be collecting for the fund and appropriating the money to their own use. This caused James much distress of mind. One Sunday afternoon when driving from his Sunday School the Rev. Nippit was hailed by a trusted friend, who said: "For the last ten minutes I have been listening to a man preaching on the sands down there.

Nippit had a theory which he believed would succeed with nine malefactors out of ten if exerted under fair conditions it was based on kindness, forebearance and the inculcation of excellent precepts. It is distressing to have to report that Nickie took few pains to encourage his preceptor. He was lazy, he sometimes forgot to shave, he often forgot to bath, he was not always temperate; but the Rev.

"It's clean havers aboot the muir. Losh keep's, we've a' sleepit oot and never been a hair the waur. "A' admit that England micht hae dune the job; it's no cannie stravagin' yon wy frae place tae place, but Drums never complained tae me as if he hed been nippit in the Sooth."

I have met you, sir," he said, in the voice of a strong man whose sorrows have about broken his proud spirit, "if your heart is as gentle as that of this sweet lady." The lady withdrew, and the Rev. James Nippit, who had been eyeing Mr. Crips keenly, motioned hit to a chair. "Be seated," he said, "and tell me your story." "I am the only son of the Rev.

"It's clean havers about the muir. Losh keep's, we've a' sleepit oot and never been a hair the waur. "A' admit that England micht hae dune the job; it's no cannie stravagin' yon wy frae place tae place, but Drums never complained tae me if he hed been nippit in the Sooth."