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In East Prussia I was in an entirely different position from a man investigating conditions in Belgium, for I was in the German's own country after he had driven out the invader. I tried to see some youth whose hand had been cut off, but could not find a single case, although, everybody had heard of such mutilations.

Well! it would be difficult perhaps it would be impossible to prove conclusively that none of these things ever took place. The facts upon which Mrs. Macdonald lays so much stress the mutilations, the additions, the instructing notes, the proved inaccuracy of the story the manuscripts tell these facts, no doubt, may be explained by Mrs.

Pained by often coming on skeletons in trees and the stench of half-consumed remains in the brush, and shocked by the frequent mutilations visible, I have reasoned with the poor savages.

How long will it be before we shall learn that for every wound which betrays itself to the sight by a scar, there are a thousand unseen mutilations that cripple, each of them, some one or more of our highest faculties?

Information was given accordingly by some resident aliens and body servants, not about the Hermae but about some previous mutilations of other images perpetrated by young men in a drunken frolic, and of mock celebrations of the mysteries, averred to take place in private houses.

How long will it be before we shall learn that for every wound which betrays itself to the sight by a scar, there are a thousand unseen mutilations that cripple, each of them, some one or more of our highest faculties?

If fines, I reminded them, if imprisonments, grievous mutilations, and brandings of S.L. which I once called 'stigmata landis; but 'tis an ill subject for jesting could bespeak a true friend to liberty, why then sure I am one whose voice might well claim, a hearing.

A similar medley of constructions disfigured by such mutilations, adjuncts, and patches, a pell-mell so complicated with such incongruous bits and fragments can be comprehended only by antiquaries and historians; ordinary spectators the public pronounce it absurd; it finds no favor with that class of reasoners who, in social architecture as in physical architecture, repudiate disorder, posit theories, deduce consequences, and require that every work shall proceed from the application of a simple idea.

Those tribes having for their customs the practice of compound major mutilations are the Fiji Islanders, Sandwich Islanders, Tahitians, Tongans, Samoans, Javanese, Sumatrans, natives of Malagasy, Hottentots, Damaras, Bechuanas, Kaffirs, the Congo people, the Coast Negroes, Inland Negroes, Dahomeans, Ashantees, Fulahs, Abyssinians, Arabs, and Dakotas.

Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, ii. 287-289. Descent of Man, pp. 612, 131. The almost universal non-inheritance of mutilations seems to me a far more valid argument against a general law of modification-inheritance than the few doubtful or abnormal cases of such inheritance can furnish in its favour.