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Dinner-services of gold and crystal, murrhine vases, and even his wife's wardrobe of silken robes interwoven with gold, all these, and countless other articles were accordingly returned, and the full auction prices paid back; or were not returned, and no displeasure shown to those who publicly displayed them as their own.

Enter the house of a Felix or a Verres. Those splendid pillars of mottled green marble were dug by the forced labour of Phrygians from the quarry of Synnada; that embossed silver, those murrhine vases, those jeweled cups, those masterpieces of antique sculpture, have all been torn from the homes or the temples of Sicily or Greece.

From Ozeni to the east of Baragaza, formerly the capital of the country, there was brought to the latter place for exportation, chiefly the following articles: onyx stones, porcelaine, fine muslins, muslins dyed of the colour of the melon, and common cotton in great quantities: from the Panjab there were brought for exportation, spikenard of different kinds, costus, bdellium, ivory, murrhine cups, myrrh, pepper, &c.

Another had a pair of those odorous murrhine vases, which Pompey had found in Armenia, and which on their first appearance set Rome wild; he, too, was invited to die. But, though Agrippina dealt in death, she dealt in seductions too. Rome, that had adored Caligula, promptly fell under his sister's sway.

Some of these beautiful rods were also found at Tell Gemayemi by Mr. F. Ll. Griffith, and in such sound condition that it was possible to cut them in thin slices, for distribution among various museums. That is, of the kind known as the "false murrhine." The yellows and browns are frequently altered greens. One of the Eleventh Dynasty kings.

An oblong room divided in the middle crosswise by two fluted pillars of pink-stained marble, light, delicately capped, and very graceful between the pillars a segmental arch between the walls and the pillars square ties; the wall above the pillars elaborately scrolled; three curtains of woollen stuff uniformly Tyrian dyed filling the open places the central curtain drawn to the pillars, and held there by silken ropes richly tasselled the side curtains dropped; a skylight for each division of the room, and under each skylight an ample brazier dispensing a comfortable degree of warmth; floor laid in pink and saffron tiles; chairs with and without arms, some upholstered, all quaintly carved to each chair a rug harmoniously colored; massive tables of carven wood, the tops of burnished copper inlaid with blocks of jasper, mostly red and yellow on the tables murrhine pitchers vase-shaped, with crystal drinking goblets about them; the skylights conical and of clear glass; the walls panelled, a picture in every panel, and the raised margins and the whole space outside done in arabesque of studied involution; doors opposite each other and bare; such was the reception-room in the town-house of the Princess Irene arranged for the winter.

Each of the three rooms was walled with cases and shelves; on the shelves were displayed his larger curios, vases, cameos, intaglios, plaques, murrhine bowls and such like; in the cases were necklaces, bracelets, rings, seals and trays of unset gems of all sorts and sizes. Here Falco spent hours each day, gloating over his treasures.

In the light of heaven he was also of a black colour, but he said that he was not of a black, but of a murrhine colour.