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Updated: August 14, 2024

Vasili Andreevich no longer gave orders but implicitly did what Nikita told him. 'Here, follow me! Nikita shouted, stepping quickly to the right, and seizing the rein he led Mukhorty down towards a snow-drift. At first the horse held back, then he jerked forward, hoping to leap the drift, but he had not the strength and sank into it up to his collar.

The snow covered his eyes and the wind seemed intent on stopping him, but bending forward and constantly lapping his coat over and pushing it between himself and the cold harness pad which prevented him from sitting properly, he kept urging the horse on. Mukhorty ambled on obediently though with difficulty, in the direction in which he was driven.

'Now, brother, this won't do! Nikita admonished him. 'Now once more! Again Nikita tugged at the shaft on his side, and Vasili Andreevich did the same on the other. Mukhorty lifted his head and then gave a sudden jerk. 'That's it! That's it! cried Nikita. 'Don't be afraid you won't sink!

After a drink of the cold water the horse sighed, moving his strong wet lips, from the hairs of which transparent drops fell into the trough; then standing still as if in thought, he suddenly gave a loud snort. 'If you don't want any more, you needn't. But don't go asking for any later, said Nikita quite seriously and fully explaining his conduct to Mukhorty.

Mukhorty too strained to listen, moving his ears, and when the wolf had ceased its howling he shifted from foot to foot and gave a warning snort. After this Vasili Andreevich could not fall asleep again or even calm himself.

He looked out several times at Mukhorty and could see that his back was uncovered and the drugget and breeching lying on the snow, and that he ought to get up and cover him, but he could not bring himself to leave Nikita and disturb even for a moment the joyous condition he was in. He no longer felt any kind of terror.

Vasili Andreevich went over to his sledge, found it with difficulty in the darkness, climbed in and took the reins. 'Go on in front! he cried. Petrushka kneeling in his low sledge started his horse. Mukhorty, who had been neighing for some time past, now scenting a mare ahead of him started after her, and they drove out into the street.

Picking his way out of the dung-strewn stable, Mukhorty frisked, and making play with his hind leg pretended that he meant to kick Nikita, who was running at a trot beside him to the pump. 'Now then, now then, you rascal! Nikita called out, well knowing how carefully Mukhorty threw out his hind leg just to touch his greasy sheepskin coat but not to strike him a trick Nikita much appreciated.

But Mukhorty, though he had had a breathing-space in the village, ran reluctantly, and seemed now and then to get off the road, so that Vasili Andreevich had repeatedly to correct him. 'Here's a stake to the right, and another, and here's a third, Vasili Andreevich counted, 'and here in front is the forest, thought he, as he looked at something dark in front of him.

'Now then, friend, stir yourself! he shouted to the horse, but in spite of the shake of the reins Mukhorty moved only at a walk. The snow in places was up to his knees, and the sledge moved by fits and starts with his every movement. Nikita took the whip that hung over the front of the sledge and struck him once.

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