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"It's from Cousin Adair," said Momsey, a little breathlessly. "And it's been lying at our door all the time." "All what time?" asked Mr. Sherwood curiously. "All the time we have been so disappointed in our inquiries elsewhere," said Momsey soberly. "Oh!" responded her husband doubtfully, and said no more. "It makes my knees shake," confessed Nan. "Do open it, Momsey!"

She was sure she could pass quite as good an entrance examination for Lakeview Hall as Bess could. And at last good news came from Scotland: "I am not quite ready to bring Momsey home," Papa Sherwood wrote. "But the matter of her fortune is at least partially settled. The claims of the other relatives have been disallowed. Mr.

Then the most wonderful thing of all was the message from Papa Sherwood which arrived just before she and Uncle Henry left the hotel for the train. It was a "night letter" sent from Buffalo and told her that Momsey was all right and that they both sent love and would telegraph once more before their steamship left the dock at New York.

She could write to Momsey, and did that, too; not forgetting to tell her absent parents about old Toby Vanderwiller, and his wife and his grandson, and of their dilemma. If only Momsey's great fortune came true, Nan was sure that Gedney Raffer would be paid off and Toby would no longer have the threat of dispossession held over him. Nan Sherwood wrote, too, to Mr.

He says it will make his mind easier if he can talk to me before the doctors try to make him well in the hospital." "Then we can't go to the Natural History Museum to-day!" exclaimed Nan. "Oh, yes; your mother can take you." "I fear I can't tell you, as well as Daddy can, about the different things," said Mrs. Bobbsey, smiling; "but I'll do the best I can." "Oh, Momsey!

"The money was willed to Momsey." "Nevertheless, these other relatives, if there be such can keep Momsey out of the enjoyment of her rights for a long time. Court processes are slow, and especially so, I should judge, among the canny and careful Scotch. I think we would better leave it to the lawyers to settle. We cannot hasten the courts by worrying over the fortune.

"Of course you can go home with me." But Nan laughed at that cool statement. She was quite sure Momsey and Papa Sherwood would veto any such wild plan. And she had been away so much from them during the past year.