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Waving aside Wessel's ready miscomprehension, they pushed by him into the room and with their swords went through the business of poking carefully into all suspected dark spots in the room, further extending their search to Wessel's bedchamber. "Is he hid here?" demanded the wounded man fiercely. "Is who here?" "Any man but you." "Only two others that I know of."

Through many years of miscomprehension, I came to know that the life of a devotee of science is inevitably filled with unending struggle. It is for him to cast his life as an ardent offering-regarding gain and loss, success and failure, as one. By a continuous living tradition, and a vital power of rejuvenescence, this land has readjusted itself through unnumbered transformations.

"Yet, has not the misprisal and miscomprehension been merited? Whose is the blame? Not with the People, who, despite the prophet's warning, 'still put their trust in princes' but with the falsity and hollowness of the system!

The expression of vacuous miscomprehension like that on the face of a country bumpkin, which was so usual with Commodus when dealing with official business or social duties, never appeared on his countenance when revelling in his favorite sport: then his expression was intelligent, lively and even charming. He was at this time in his twenty-sixth year and in the very prime of his life.

A pair of cooks, a pair of Number Twos, and all the "learn-pidgin" youngsters of two households came shuffling into the court; and arriving guests found all hands broaching cargo, in a loud confusion of orders and miscomprehension. The captain's dinner was the more brilliant.

And this, perhaps, was what drove him to seek the comforting companionship of folk he understood and felt at home with. He told his host and hostess about the strangers, though omitting the actual conversation because they would merely smile in blank miscomprehension.

Miscomprehension of the Japanese smile has more than once led to extremely unpleasant results, as happened in the case of T a Yokohama merchant of former days. The English and the Japanese do not understand each other very well now; but at the period in question they understood each other much less.

For this reason he has all his life remained free from all superstition and has been completely indifferent to dogmas and miracles, which to his mind imply not only a profound ignorance of science, but also a gross and complete miscomprehension of the divine Intelligence.

They look upon the dying and the dead saint with indifference, want of understanding, at most a gape or a bright look of stupid miscomprehension at the stigmata: they do not even perceive that a saint is a different being from themselves.

She regarded him shrewdly for a second. "You've changed too." "Maybe," said Phineas. "It's an ill war that blows nobody good. And I'm not complaining of this one. But you were talking of your miscomprehension of Doggie." "I behaved very badly to him," she said, picking again at the blanket. "I misjudged him altogether because I was ignorant of everything everything that matters in life.