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Europeans find the practice difficult, and can learn it only by long habit. In Galland, Bahram has two daughters, Bostama and Cavam a. In the Bres. Edit. the daughter is "Bostan" and the slave-girl "Kawam." He despised the common miracula which in the East are of everyday occurrence and are held to be easy for any holy man. Hume does not believe in miracles because he never saw one.

I was myself once one of those; and if I heard talk of dead folks walking, of prophecies, enchantments, witchcrafts, or any other story I had no mind to believe: "Somnia, terrores magicos, miracula, sagas, Nocturnos lemures, portentaque Thessala," Horace. I presently pitied the poor people that were abused by these follies.

But he merely performed a few speciosa miracula under tests established by one or two English men of science, and believers and disbelievers are still left to wrangle over him: they usually introduce a question of moral character. Now a few men of science in England like Dr. Gregory about 1851, and like Dr.

We can readily comprehend how in the mouths of the people the great miracles of Jesus, the real mira wrought by his life and teaching, became small miracula.

Addison hints at this in his citations from an imaginary history of Queen Anne's reign, supposed to be written three hundred years later. Finally, the Spectator has a permanent value as a human document. No. 1. Non fumum ex fulgore, sed ex fumo dare lucem Cogitat, ut speciosa dehinc miracula promat. HOR. Ars Poet. ver. 143.

Somnia, terrores magicos, miracula, sagas, Nocturnos lemures, portentaque Thessala rides? HOR., Ep. ii. 2, 208. Visions and magic spells, can you despise, And laugh at witches, ghosts, and prodigies? Going yesterday to dine with an old acquaintance, I had the misfortune to find his whole family very much dejected.

Every one of these dicta appears to be open to serious objection. The word "miracle" miraculum, in its primitive and legitimate sense, simply means something wonderful. Cicero applies it as readily to the fancies of philosophers, "Portenta et miracula philosophorum somniantium," as we do to the prodigies of priests.

"It is difficult to conceive a plot more perfect than that of the 'Wellingtoniad. It is most faithful to the manners of the age to which it relates. It preserves exactly all the historical circumstances, and interweaves them most artfully with all the speciosa miracula of supernatural agency." Thus far the learned Professor of Humanity in the university of Tombuctoo.

In doing this they are again excusable for the manner in which they have done it. Ut speciosa dehine miracula promant. They are not, indeed, so properly said to turn reality into fiction, as fiction into reality.

On the question of the real existence of the reported phenomena hereafter chronicled, and on the question of the portee of the facts, if genuine, the writer has been unable to reach any conclusion, negative or affirmative. Even the testimony of his senses, if they ever bore witness to any of the speciosa miracula, would fail to convince him on the affirmative side.