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And even if our outer screen should begin to go into the violet I don't think it will even go cherry-red out goes our zone of force and we automatically go up where no possible airship can reach. Since their only space-ships are rocket driven, and of practically no maneuverability, they stand a big chance of getting to us.

A buckler is fine protection against a man who is trying to hack you to death with a chopper, because a heavy cutting sword and a shield have about the same inertia, and thus the same maneuverability. But the shield isn't worth anything against a light stabbing weapon.

We were about to take off for some test runs around the space platform when we got a hurry call to come here. The Aquila has two of these. If they prove out, they’ll replace the snapper-boats. More power, greater maneuverability, heavier weapons, and they carry more men." There was only the officer and a pilot, but Rip saw positions for several others.

A lot of them are big, and a lot of them are fast. Once we were inside, we'd have no maneuverability to speak of. If the termites didn't get to us before we got inside. Suits won't do it here." He was a gambler, and a gambler doesn't buck impossible odds. "What could you do with the guns?" Trigger asked. "Not too much. They're not meant to take down a fortress.

He soon found the trail of fresh blood which marked the path of the flight of the hexaped, and with the peculiar maneuverability of the device he was using, it was not long until he was studying the scene where the encounter had taken place. He gasped when he saw the bones and perceived three of Nadia's arrows, but soon saw that the skeleton was not human and was reassured.

More power, greater maneuverability, heavier weapons, and they carry more men." Rip looked out through the port and saw the two Federation cruisers closing in on the Connie. Apparently the Connie commander had agreed to let the cruisers come alongside. The ball-bat blasted to the Aquila, paused at an open port, then slid inside. The valve was shut before Rip could unbuckle his harness.

"Speed, firepower and range. Except maneuverability." He turned to Astrid. "Just how far out is the force screen from the house?" "Four hundred meters." "Let's see if we can judge it," he said grimly. "It's going to be close." He put the jet into a tight turn and slipped off into a steep, screaming dive. There was another disrupter burst and a sudden flutter of the controls.

The system gave high maneuverability to the boats. By playing on the controls with the skill of an organist, the pilot could shift direction with dazzling speed. Snapper-boats used by the Federation operated on the same principle, but they were of American design, and they showed the Americans' love of clean lines.

The system gave high maneuverability to the boats. By playing on the controls with the skill of an organist, the pilot could shift direction with dazzling speed. Snapper-boats used by the Federation operated on the same principle, but they were of American design, and they showed the American’s love of clean lines.

"By putting all the recordings together and running a rather complex analysis. The analysis will give speed, depth of operation, maneuverability if the spies are lucky to have beams operating at the right time and number of torpedoes fired, with the same information on the torps. That's enough information to make it worth an enemy's while." "I'll say!" Scotty turned to Zircon.