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Updated: August 8, 2024

And all of a sudden he called his wife: 'Malania, my dear, come here. 'What is it, Alexis? 'It's time for me to die, my dear, that's what it is. 'Mercy on you, Alexey Sergeitch!

'A great ravine starts from a little rift, Alexey Sergeitch said to me once in this connection: 'a wound a yard wide may heal; but once cut off even a finger nail, it will not grow again. I fancy the daughters were ashamed of their eccentric old parents. A month later and Malania Pavlovna too passed away.

How often has Malania Pavlovna described to me her wedding in the church of the Ascension, in Arbaty such a fine church! and how all Moscow was there ... 'and the crush there was! awful!

For two hours she continued sitting there. 'Is he asleep? the old woman with the talent for praying inquired in a whisper, peeping in behind Irinarh, who, immovable as a post, stood in the doorway, gazing intently at his expiring master. 'He is asleep, answered Malania Pavlovna also in a whisper. And suddenly Alexey Sergeitch opened his eyes.

Don't talk to me of Kapiton, he's Cupidon! Then Malania Pavlovna would be all of a flutter and say: 'Alexis, Alexis, it's too bad of you! In your young days you flirted, I've no doubt, with all sorts of misses and madams and so now you imagine.... 'Come, that's enough, that's enough, my dear Malania, Alexey Sergeitch interrupted with a smile.

'Your gown is white but whiter still your soul! 'Yes, Alexis, it is whiter! 'Ah, what a tongue, what a tongue! Alexis would repeat, patting her hand. To speak of 'views' in the case of Malania Pavlovna would be even more inappropriate than in the case of Alexey Sergeitch; yet I once chanced to witness a strange manifestation of my aunt's secret feelings. And towards nightfall, too!

Anna Pavlovna succeeded by a great effort in getting hold of her husband's hand and pressing it to her lips. That same evening she died. Peter Andreich kept his word. He let his son know that out of respect to his mother's last moments, and for the sake of the little Fedor, he gave him back his blessing, and would keep Malania Sergievna in his house.

A water-colour portrait of this object of her affections was kept by her in a secret drawer. Malania Pavlovna always blushed up to her ears when she mentioned Kapiton such was the name of the young hero and Alexey Sergeitch would designedly scowl, shake his finger at his wife again, and say: 'No trusting a horse in the field nor a woman in the house.

Are you in pain? The old man looked at his wife: 'No, no pain ... but it's difficult ... difficult to breathe. Then after a brief silence: 'Malania, he said, 'so life has slipped by and do you remember when we were married ... what a couple we were? 'Yes, we were, my handsome, charming Alexis! The old man was silent again.

His legs were not hurt, and he ran at the top of his speed. In a suburb, Malania opened her door, and he crept under her warm coverlet, made of small pieces of different colours stitched together. THE wife of Peter Nikolaevich Sventizky, a tall and handsome woman, as quiet and sleek as a well-fed heifer, had seen from her window how her husband had been murdered and dragged away into the fields.

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