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Updated: August 23, 2024

And I'll tell you what, I'll not have my neck in danger; and if I hear you threatening murdher, I'll have you before the magisthrates," and he pushed by the man, who, however, still walked close behind him. "And is that the way with you now? Have me before the magisthrates will you? and where'd you be all the time? Why there's not one of them that was in it, at Mrs.

The magisthrates, with Jonas Brown at the head of them, will be a dail too willing to make a bad case of it, the divil mend them, to let you off; an' the only thing for you is, to keep out of their hands." "Would they find me there, Joe, up in the mountains, where you have the stills?"

"And Joe," said Pat, "what magisthrates war there in it?" "Why, there war Sir Michael, and Counsellor Webb, and there war that black ruffian Jonas Brown." "And they jist sent him back to gaol agin, Joe?" "No, they didn't!

I'll tell you what it is, young man, av you don't let your fingers off this pelisse that I've purchased, I'll have you before the magisthrates for stailing it. Have you paid the money down, dear?" Miss Biles was busy counting out the cash, but no one was at hand to take it from her.

Mehan's that night, but could have you before the magisthrates, and I'm thinking thim folk would make a deal more of you than they would of me. Av you talk of magisthrates, Mr. Thady, may be you'll find there's too many of them in the counthry for yerself." Thady walked on fast, but did not answer him, and Reynolds continued "Come, Mr.

To all magisthrates an' polis officers, greetin. In re Sir Lipton again th' Cup. Be means iv this infernal machine, if enable to kill off th' rile fam'ly, he will attimpt to cross th' stormy Atlantic, an' if successful, will arrive at th' risidince iv th' party of th' first part, said John Doe.

Talk to me of danger, you ruffian," continued the widow, with her back now thoroughly up; "you'd betther look to yourself, or I know who'll be in most danger. Av' it wasn't the throuble it'd be to Anty, and, God knows, she's had throubles enough, I'd have had her before the magisthrates before this, to tell of what was done last night up at the house, yonder.

The magisthrates belayvin' the ould Star of the North wid you, cap'en, wid the colonel aboard, to give ividence ag'st the mutineers, that they wouldn't be in from New York afore then, not knowin' what the ould barquey could do in the way of stayming as you an' I do, sor, an' that she'd arrive, faith, to-day!"

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