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I need not ask whether Young's logic could be justified; though it would obviously require for justification a thoroughly 'empirical' view, or, in other words, the admission that different circumstances may require totally different institutions. The view, however, which was congenial to the prevalent spirit of improvement must be noted.

Have questions of profit and loss, economic considerations, anything whatever to do with this war? Would the demonstration of its economic futility have kept the peace? Are theories and logic of the slightest use, since force alone can determine the issue? Is not war therefore inevitable, and must we not prepare diligently for it?

In the embodiment of his metaphysical ideas in poetry, the influence of these studies seems to show itself; for he uses forms which appeal more to the outer senses than to the inward eye; and his similes belong to the realm of the fancy, rather than the imagination: they lack vital resemblance. Logic had considerable attractions for him. To geometry and mathematics he was quite indifferent.

And there was always her fascination. That was absolute; above logic and morality, irrefutable as the sweetness of a flower. Everybody felt it, even the servants whom she tormented with her incalculable wants. Jerrold and Colin, even Eliot, now that he was grown-up, felt it. As for Uncle Robert he was like a young man in the beginning of first love. Adeline judged people by their attitude to her.

Buchanan, the Professor of Logic in the University of Glasgow. One pleasing circumstance about the Frith of Clyde, which we remark the more from its being unhappily the exception to the general rule in Scotland, is the general neatness and ecclesiastical character of the churches.

Rod stood as though he had been nailed to the spot, his mouth half open in astonishment. "We go see traps," urged Mukoki. "Find moose dead when we go back." But Roderick Drew, who had hunted nothing larger than house rats in his own city, was not the young man to see the logic of this reasoning, and before Mukoki could open his mouth again he was hurrying up the hill.

He held her close, making comforting little noises. It was no use, he reflected sadly. Science just wasn't Ellie's long suit; she didn't know a cold vaccine from a case of smallpox, and no appeal to logic or common sense could surmount her irrational fear of hypodermics. "All right, nobody's going to make you do anything you don't want to," he said.

From the small cowardices of appreciations and admirations which one did not really feel, up through the bread-and-butter necessities of business, on into the ridiculousness of what is called "Democracy" or "Liberty" on, even, into those emotional evasions of logic and reason labeled "Religion" all lies all lies! he told himself.

I forgot all of good that had of late grown up in me. God help me, I forgot even Madge. "If I could only believe you, Mary," I answered, growing insane under the influence of her fascinations, "If I could only believe you." "Give me your lips, Malcolm," she whispered, "give me your lips. Again, my Malcolm. Ah, now you believe me." The lying logic of a wanton kiss is irresistible.

But who knows? The importation of that Bali pony might have been part of some deep scheme, of some diplomatic plan, of some hopeful intrigue. With Almayer one could never tell. He governed his conduct by considerations removed from the obvious, by incredible assumptions, which rendered his logic impenetrable to any reasonable person. I learned all this later.