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The Slovaks abroad, of course, work hand in hand with the Czechs for their common cause. Nevertheless, even in Hungary the Slovaks showed their unanimity with the Czechs. According to the Narodni Listy of July 24, 1917, the Slovak political leaders, especially their two deputies, Father P. Juriga and Dr.

The Narodni Listy became the mouthpiece of all the most eminent leaders of the nation without party distinction. Its issue of October 31, 1917, contained a map of the future independent Czecho-Slovak State and a series of articles.

It is quite as needless to say, perhaps, that Chester Perkins never got to be Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. After Aunt Listy died, Jethro was more than ever to be found, when in Coniston, in the garden or the kitchen behind the store. Yes, Aunt Listy is dead.

"I callate," answered Jethro, still more uneasily, "I callate it's because you're a woman." "And don't you think," asked Cynthia, "that a woman ought to know what becomes her best?" Jethro reflected, and then his glance fell on her approvingly. "G-guess you're right, Cynthy," he said. "I always had some success in dressin' up Listy, and that kind of set me up."

None of Jethro's detractors may say that he ever failed in kindness to her, and he loved her as much as was in his heart to love any woman after Cynthia Ware. As for Aunt Listy, she never seemed to feel any resentment against the child Jethro brought so frequently to Thousand Acre Hill. Poor Aunt Listy! some people used to wonder whether she ever felt any emotion at all.

"Well, along about next summer Binney had to come to Coniston to see me on a little matter and fetched his wife. Listy, my wife, was alive then. I'd made up my mind that if I could ever get Mis' Binney to eat at my place I would, so I asked 'em to stay to dinner.

It is quite as needless to say, perhaps, that Chester Perkins never got to be Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. After Aunt Listy died, Jethro was more than ever to be found, when in Coniston, in the garden or the kitchen behind the store. Yes, Aunt Listy is dead.

None of Jethro's detractors may say that he ever failed in kindness to her, and he loved her as much as was in his heart to love any woman after Cynthia Ware. As for Aunt Listy, she never seemed to feel any resentment against the child Jethro brought so frequently to Thousand Acre Hill. Poor Aunt Listy! some people used to wonder whether she ever felt any emotion at all.

The Slovak leaders, however, refused to become the dupes of the Magyar Government. According to the Narodni Listy of May 5, 1918, a great manifestation was arranged by Slovak Socialists in St. Miklos on May 1 in favour of the union of the Hungarian Slovaks with the Czechs of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.

Goes down sessions to see that they don't get too gumptious and kick off the swaddlin' clothes." "And was that his wife?" Wetherell asked, hesitatingly. "Aunt Listy, they call her. Nobody ever knew how he come to marry her. Jethro went up to Wisdom once, in the centre of the state, and come back with her. Funny place to bring a wife from Wisdom! Funnier place to bring Listy from.