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But a man may reasonably unite with his fellow-men to maintain a government to punish those acts which he himself considers criminal, and may reasonably acquiesce in his own liability to be punished for such acts.

The National laws providing for employers' liability on railroads engaged in interstate commerce and for safety appliances, as well as for diminishing the hours any employee of a railroad should be permitted to work, should all be strengthened wherever in actual practice they have shown weakness; they should be kept on the statute books in thoroughgoing form.

The obligation incurred by a judge who delivers an unjust or partial decision cannot properly be called delictal, and yet it does not arise from contract; consequently, as he cannot but be held to have done a wrong, even though it may be due to ignorance, his liability would seem to be quasidelictal, and a pecuniary penalty will be imposed on him at the judge's discretion.

Here one party agrees to part with something which may prove valuable, and the other to assume a liability which may prove onerous. /1/ But now suppose that there is no element of uncertainty except in the minds of the parties. Take, for instance, a wager on a past horse-race.

If so, on what principle, or for what equivalent, did she do it? Did she not rather take care that the guaranty for a republican government should be inserted in the same paragraph with that for protection against invasion, in order that both the principle and the extent of the liability she incurred, might distinctly appear?

Furthermore, I was to lend the money to any amount within my master's credit to those who brought his name as guarantee. I did so, and every bill and liability which was contracted either in his own name or in yours, my lord, by Mr. Leroy, fell into the hands of this man, who carried on the business under cover of my name. He posed as the friend of Mr.

Yet, despite the dangers of the Atlantic, and the liability to accident in a thousand ways of such a voyage, the Cunard line can thankfully say that they have never lost a life nay more, although they have had a contract with the British Government since they started for the conveyance of the North American mails, the company have never even lost a letter!

A fact which shows how large a part is played by disturbance of the nervous system in these cases is the liability of children who have suffered from it to attacks of asthma, often of great severity as they grow older, while very often after the transition from childhood to youth has passed these attacks too lessen in frequency and severity, and often altogether cease.

The only thing which prevents this safety arrangement from being absolutely perfect, is the liability the leather has of falling out of the bar and becoming lost, in the event of the rider severing her connection with the saddle, in which case the retaining action of the flap on the bar will cease. For this emergency, Messrs. The weight of the stirrup and case is only half a pound.

And I do not believe that boys can be induced to apply themselves with vigour, and what is so much more difficult perseverance, to dry and irksome studies, by the sole force of persuasion and soft words. Much must be done, and much must be learnt, by children, for which rigid discipline, and known liability to punishment, are indispensable as means.