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Updated: August 17, 2024

And then, coming from the wilful gloom of Pope Leo's court into our Germany, streamed over by the rays of Luther's light, it was as if a new world of hope were dawning, as if truth would no longer be muffled, and the young would grow up to a world far better and purer than the old had ever seen.

In an hour there were three priests with the boy, and he spoke in Latin to them without faltering. He discussed abstruse ecclesiastical questions and claimed incidentally to be an Italian priest dead a score of years, and, to prove his claim, described Rome and the Vatican as it was before Leo's day.

"After all, I am sorry I humored Leo's whim, and persuaded papa to bring us here." "Why, my dear? We are enjoying it immensely," said her father.

The memorable scenes, from the breaking of camp at Boulogne down to the Battle of Austerlitz, are shown on a broad bronze band that winds spirally up to the capital, and the shaft is surmounted by a bronze statue of Napoleon in his imperial robes. Fortunately Alfonso's carriage overtook Leo's party, and they visited together the pretty arcades and gardens of the Palais Royal.

We learn from his diary that at Leo's, where he liked best to play, he met for the first time Chopin, who had just returned from the country, and whose acquaintance he was impatient to make. He played to me at my request, and now for the first time I understand his music, and can also explain to myself the enthusiasm of the ladies.

Meanwhile Rogero, overwhelmed with despair, lay stretched on the ground in the forest night and day without food, courting death. Here he was discovered by one of Leo's people, who, finding him resist all attempts to remove him, hastened to his master, who was not far off, and brought him to the spot.

The next meeting of the Diet, from whom, after Hadrian's early death, his successor, Clement VII. another modern Pope of Leo's way of thinking demanded anew the execution of the Edict of Worms, resulted in the imperial decree of April 18, 1524.

"What possible excuse can he offer for such negligence, when he knew that Leighton would read the service?" An uwonted sparkle leaped into Leo's mild hazel eyes, and without examination she handed the package and note to Justine. "Lay them in the drawer of my writing-desk, and then call all the servants into the dining-room.

Next day at 12 o'clock promptly, Leo's cousin came, and the Harrises and Leo took the Rome and Naples line for Marino, located sixteen miles southeast of Rome, where Vittoria Colonna had lived, and where Leo expected to find and take possession of his own palace and property. The Roman tombs of the Via Appia on the right were soon left behind.

In a few minutes the sketch and drawing-materials were collected, undamaged, and the three returned to camp, Alf leaning on Leo's arm. On the way thither they met the Captain's party, and afterwards the band led by Chingatok. The latter was mightily amused by the adventure, and continued for a considerable time afterwards to upheave his huge shoulders with suppressed laughter.

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