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The lassoing and slaughter of a bullock is one of the most exciting sports of the Californians; and the daring horsemanship and dexterous use of the lariat usually displayed on these occasions are worthy of admiration. I could not but notice the Golgotha-like aspect of the grounds surrounding the house.

After making the animal fast, he went carefully after the others and succeeded in lassoing them. "Well done," I said to him. Then we lay on the snow, with our masks to protect our faces, and went to sleep. After a short nap we continued our way, and finally reached Jakob's tent just in time for supper, and were warmly welcomed by the family.

They were insolent to the aged priests, who were in ill-health; they abused the Indians so far as to pursue them to their rancherías "for the fun of the thing;" and there they had additional "sport" by lassoing the women and killing such men as interfered with their lusts.

That's what most of our lassoing is roping ponies or steers, and they don't very often stand still for you, the way the post does." "Yes," agreed Ted, "I guess so. I'll learn to lasso something that runs." His father paid little more attention to the boy, except to notice that he went out into the yard, where he was seen, for a time, tossing the coils of rope over the post.

By this time the light was almost gone, the films were finished, horses and men were nearly done, and, besides, it was moving day and high time we resumed the march. In the November number Mr. Scull will relate the adventures of the Buffalo Jones African Expedition in Lassoing Lion. * Vol. XXIII No. 5 NOVEMBER, 1910 By EDNA FERBER

Unending is this afternoon, And strange this landscape as the moon, With home a thousand miles away The pasture where his brothers play With whoop and shout, in Indian fray; The porch where, even at this hour, His mother prunes the vine and flower, And hums the nursery melody, "I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea." * VOL. XXIII September 1910 NO. 3 Lassoing Wild Animals In Africa

"They built a mission and brought as many of Koorotora's people as they could into the sacred fold. They brought them in in a queer fashion sometimes, it is said; dragoons from the Presidio, Captain Carroll, lassoing them and bringing them in at the tails of their horses. All except Koorotora.

For the rodeo a yearly chase of wild cattle for the purpose of lassoing and branding them was a rather brutal affair, and purely a man's function; it was also a family affair a property stock-taking of the great Spanish cattle-owners and strangers, particularly Americans, found it difficult to gain access to its mysteries and the fiesta that followed. "But how did she get an invitation?" I asked.

We see why he could display such admirable carriage in rough-riding and lassoing grizzlies, and yet seemed to possess such feeble military efficiency. We comprehend his generous hospitality coupled with his often narrow and suspicious cruelty. In fact, all the contrasts of his character and action begin to be clear.

She was perfectly astonished. She supposed, of course, that Tonio was in school. "Here, Doña Teresa, is a very bad boy," Señor Fernandez said to her. "He has been chasing my goat all around the pasture and lassoing it, and he left the bars down and they are broken besides, and no one knows where the goat is by this time. I'll leave him to you, but I want you to make a thorough job of It."