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The Company's charter invests it with the entire jurisdiction, executive and judicial, of the colony. The local Governor and Council enact such simple statutes as the primitive condition of the settlement requires; and those enactments have hitherto proved equal to the maintenance of good order.

The Sultan is the Holy Prophet's vicegerent on earth and he, guided by the prophet, invests virtue and wisdom with the Kalaats of dignity, in the persons of his pachas." "Very true," said the pacha, "the Sultan is guided by Allah, and," continued he in a low tone to Mustapha, "a few hundred purses to boot. Menouni, you may proceed."

As regards the sudden interchange of characters on the scaffold, the constitutionally brave man all at once becoming timid, and the timid man becoming brave, it must be remembered, that the particular sort of courage applicable to duelling, when the danger is much more of a fugitive and momentary order than that which invests a battle lasting for hours, depends almost entirely upon a man's confidence in his own luck a peculiarity of mind which exists altogether apart from native resources of courage, whether moral or physical: usually this mode of courage is but a transformed expression for a sanguine temperament.

This movement which now appears sacrilegious, since it armed citizens against their country, and led them to implore the assistance of foreign powers to combat France did not at that time possess in the eyes of the French noblesse that parricidal character with which the more enlightened patriotism of the present age invests it.

The enormous mainsail of a cutter, as she draws slowly past a point of land or the end of a jetty under your admiring gaze, invests her with an air of lofty and silent majesty. At anchor a schooner looks better; she has an aspect of greater efficiency and a better balance to the eye, with her two masts distributed over the hull with a swaggering rake aft. The yawl rig one comes in time to love.

You dislike the emancipation proclamation, and perhaps would have it retracted. You say it is unconstitutional. I think differently. I think the Constitution invests its commander-in-chief with all the law of war in time of war. The most that can be said, if so much, is, that slaves are property.

For the very fact that the words are crystallized into permanent shape invests them with a suggestion of interrupted continuity, an overtone of un-utilized significance, that of itself invites the mind to play with the corresponding fringe of meaning attaching to the concepts that the words embody.

The law invests every man with a very absolute power in respect to his property, authorizing him to make any disposition of it whatever, and carrying faithfully into effect, after his death, any wish that he may have expressed in regard to it, as his deliberate and final intention.

The sac is completely closed, so that no communication exists between the serous cavity and the parts in its neighborhood. The various serous membranes are the pleura which envelops the lungs; the pericardium which surrounds the heart; the peritoneum which invests the viscera of the abdomen, and the arachnoid in the spinal canal and cranial cavity.

Like Sannazzaro, Beccari places his shepherds in Arcadia, and invests them with ancient manners; but he goes beyond mere dialogue; he connects their conversations by a series of dramatic actions.