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"Don't you think Joseph behaves very strangely about the murder?" Her words seemed to be several seconds in making an impression on Silas's mind, and then he slowly turned his face full upon her. It was a terrible look. The squared jaw, the drawn lips, the dull, distant stare, repulsed her as one might repulse a stranger intermeddling with a bitter private grief.

In his better days, it seems he had been a journeyman baker in London, somewhere about Holborn; and on Sundays wore a Hue coat and metal buttons, and spent his afternoons in a tavern, smoking his pipe and drinking his ale like a free and easy journeyman baker that he was. But this did not last long; for an intermeddling old fool was the ruin of him.

Cotton Mather did not like intermeddling with his business very well. "Let the Levites of the Lord keep close to their Instructions," he says, "and God will smite thro' the loins of those that rise up against them. I will report unto you a Thing which many Hundreds among us know to be true.

It was done in mere sport, and I wish I had said nothing concerning it. I would not had not Mr. Belford used the language he did." Mr. Denny ran his eye over the figures in the book, and then, with a pained expression, he said briefly, "Everything seems to be correct." "Damnation! I'll break his head for him, the intermeddling fool." This language was not actually used by Mr.

It might be answered, to be sure, that it is not for intermeddling with property, but for intermeddling with the plaintiff's property, that a man is sued; and that in the supposed cases, just as much as in that of the accidental blow, the defendant is ignorant of one of the facts making up the total environment, and which must be present to make his action wrong.

I asked for him next week of the new carrier who got the goodwill of James's business, and was now master of Jess and her cart. "How's Rab?" He put me off, and said rather rudely, "What's your business wi' the dowg?" I was not to be so put off. "Where's Rab?" He, getting confused and red, and intermeddling with his hair, said, "'Deed, sir, Rab's deid." "Dead! what did he die of?"

Duty of a Governor-General to visit the Provinces Progress to the North- West Benares Speech on the Opening of the Railway Cawnpore Grand Durbar at Agra Delhi Hurdwar Address to the Sikh Chiefs at Umballa Kussowlie Simla Letters: Supply of Labour; Special Legislation; Missionary Gathering; Finance; Seat of Government; Value of Training at Head-quarters; Aristocracies; against Intermeddling The Sitana Fanatics Himalayas Rotung Pass Twig Bridge Illness Death Characteristics Burial-place.

Within the Provinces themselves tranquillity is restored, and on our frontier that misguided sympathy in favor of what was presumed to be a general effort in behalf of popular rights, and which in some instances misled a few of our more inexperienced citizens, has subsided into a rational conviction strongly opposed to all intermeddling with the internal affairs of our neighbors.

His enthusiastic manner in speaking of his intentions assured me that I need not trouble myself to say one word about my plans. "Now, would you believe it? that intermeddling monarch took out of my hands the whole grand, ambitious scheme I had so carefully devised.

And methinks I should have done so, but for this accursed, intermeddling English Milord, who has never ceased to besiege the court or the minister with alleged extenuations of our cousin's rebellion, and proofless assertions that I shared it in order to entangle my kinsman, and betrayed it in order to profit by his spoils.