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Among the next twenty-nine sovereigns, Capac-Raymi-Amauta, the thirty-eighth of the line, and Yahuar-Huquiz, the fifty-first, werecelebrated for astronomical knowledge,” and the latterintercalated a year at the end of four centuries.” Manco-Capac III., the sixtieth sovereign of this line, is supposed to have reigned at the beginning of the Christian era, and in his timePeru had reached her greatest elevation and extension.” The next three reigns covered thirty-two years, it is said.

Did you ever watch a baby's fingers? I have, often enough, though I never knew what it was to own one. -The Master paused half a minute or so, sighed, perhaps at thinking what he had missed in life, looked up at me a little vacantly. I saw what was the matter; he had lost the thread of his talk. Baby's fingers, I intercalated.

At home were Ethel and the perpetual aching pursuit of employment, the pelting irritations of Madam Gadow's persistent overcharges, and so forth, and amid such things he felt extraordinarily grown up; but intercalated with these experiences were those intervals at Kensington, scraps of his adolescence, as it were, lying amidst the new matter of his manhood, intervals during which he was simply an insubordinate and disappointing student with an increasing disposition to gossip.

I.e., the Intercalated Elul. Lit., 'raising of his hand to a god' the attitude in prayer. Text erroneously 'mistress. Here and elsewhere Ishtar is used in a generic sense for 'chief goddess'; in the present case Sarpanitum. See above, pp. 82, 151, 206. 'Belit, as 'mistress' in general. Lit., 'place of secrecy, the reference being to that portion of the temple where the god sat enthroned.

I forget whether in the Bishop of Chester's account of this cryptical language the consonant intercalated be G or not. Evidently any consonant will answer the purpose. F or L would be softer, and so far better.

Did you ever watch a baby's fingers? I have, often enough, though I never knew what it was to own one. The Master paused half a minute or so, sighed, perhaps at thinking what he had missed in life, looked up at me a little vacantly. I saw what was the matter; he had lost the thread of his talk. Baby's fingers, I intercalated.

During also the deposition of these strata, we have in the intercalated layers of red Pampean-like mud and tosca-rock, and in the passage near S. Juan of the semi-crystalline limestones with agate into tosca undistinguishable from that of the Pampas, evidence of the same action, though continued only at intervals and in a feeble manner.

M. Necker has proposed to call the granites the underlying igneous rocks, and the distinction here indicated is highly characteristic. It was, indeed, supposed by some of the earlier observers that the granite of Christiania, in Norway, was intercalated in mountain masses between the primary or palaeozoic strata of that country, so as to overlie fossiliferous shale and limestone.

The leading varieties of the trappean rocks basalt, greenstone, trachyte, and the rest are found sometimes in dikes penetrating stratified and unstratified formations, sometimes in shapeless masses protruding through or overlying them, or in horizontal sheets intercalated between strata.

In its entire form the Roman power consists of two theocracies, with a military domination intercalated. The first of these theocracies corresponds to the fabulous period of the kings; the military domination to the time of the republic and earlier Cæsars; the second theocracy to that of the Christian emperors and the Popes.